For more than a month now, we have been trying to post a blog ‘window’ on the home page, so that you can see at a glance, what the latest blog entry is; because it’s NOT visible, this blog is not attracting many readers and I can hardly blame you…very frustrating for all of us. Hopefully, SOON, we can get this blog rolling. In the meantime please use THIS ENTRY to express your comments on any topic within this issue you’d like to discuss or complain about. I need to hear from you. I can see from the stats that we are developing a growing readership but we need FEEDBACK!

from this height, the condos and adventure tour shops and McDs almost disappear!
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Oddly, I can see the pipe diverting the water from Matrimony Springs away from the people who used really depended on that water source. Thanks to the bureaucrat and his taxpayer funded legal adviser for protecting us from ourselves! What would we do without them!!