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Oliver Twisted

Ever wonder what Ralph Nader does in his spare time? A conscientous blogger has to take stock of the goings on of the Green Gurus, Nader among them. So, in case you were camping in Borneo when the news broke, let me introduce you to Monsieur Nader’s latest gambit: Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!

Mr. Nader’s new venture roams the political-socio-cultural landscape via a work of fiction. Sort of. As his press blurb says, “bestselling author Ralph Nader puts seventeen billionaires together in one room to address some of the most pressing issues of our time.” Hot damn, we’re saved!

Now if Ralph would devote some free time to the realities of human induced ecological meltdown, maybe he’d come up with a sequel – “Only the super freaks can dance naked with drunk polar bears.”

Where’s Charles Dickens when you need him?

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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