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Pow Wow Wind Farm

What’s the poor sustainable wind-farm industry to do? Now an Indian tribe is on the case against the gigantic turbines.

BOSTON — “In a new setback for a controversial wind farm proposed off Cape Cod, the National Park Service announced Monday that Nantucket Sound was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, guaranteeing further delays for the project.”

“The park service decision came in response to a request from two Massachusetts Indian tribes, who said the 130 proposed wind turbines would thwart their spiritual ritual of greeting the sunrise, which requires unobstructed views across the sound, and disturb ancestral burial grounds.” [New York Times]

Pow wow highway! This is good stuff. Political correctness stands poised to enter an entirely new phase of craziness, pitting the Renewables against the Spirituals against the Sustainables against the Nimbies against the Growth Klubbers Anonymous.

So far none of the players have asked the proverbial question – “Doesn’t the Emperor look kinda naked?”

Of course he does.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

4 Responses

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  1. wind farms are great but they also take up a large land area*”.

  2. wind farms are eco friendly and can generate massive amounts of electricity`;,

  3. wind farms in germany are great! i hope that we could install those in every country,–

  4. our hometown already have wind farms and it is great to know that we have a reneawable electricity source”`”

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