AN EXCERPT: More than 100 science academies around the world have called on world leaders to take action on population and consumption at the Rio+20 summit. They say past failures on these issues threaten the natural world and prospects for future generations….”The overall message is that we need a renewed focus on both population and consumption – it’s not enough to look at one or the other,” said Prof Charles Godray from the Martin School at the University of Oxford, who chaired the process of writing the declaration….”We need to look at both, because together they determine the footprint on the world.”
“Global consumption levels are at an all time high, largely because of the high per-capita consumption of developed countries.” If the billion poorest people are to have adequate access to food, water and energy, the academies say, developed countries will have to reduce their own consumption of natural resources.

The developed world is mainly responsible for the world's record consumption levels, the scientists say
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