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(From the June/July Zephyr) THE GHOSTS OF DANDY CROSSING, An Excerpt…by Katie Lee

An excerpt:

They clattered up Farley Creek a half mile, slid to park and went into the store. Windy, very importantly and methodically, sorted the mail into little pigeon holes behind the wired window which represented the Post Office. There were about eight letters and cards, a few newspapers and a tin of boat parts for the six inhabitants of Dandy Crossing.White and Farley canyons entering together on the left bank of the river comprised one settlement; Cass Hite’s ranch and orchard on the right bank, the other. Old Cass had named his crossing ‘A Dandy’ and the river people kept it that way. To the rest of the world it was Hite… if you could find it on a map.

Jason walked to the freezer and got an ice cream bar. He laid a quarter on the counter and leaned there, looking out at the only gas pump within a hundred miles. A hum from the generator and a creaking of roof beams in the midday heat were all that broke the silence.

Click the image to read more of Katie Lee’s story:


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