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bondermanb&wIn part, PeaceUp wrote:

“ALEC produces model legislation written by corporations and major industry lobby groups, then dishes out these bills to legislators from around the country…ALEC doesn’t only influence environmental policy, of course—it successfully pushes laws that suppress voter turnout, encourage racial profiling, and bust unions, just to name a few of ALEC’s favorite causes. But ALEC has done a tremendous amount of environmental harm with its dozens of anti-environmental bills….”

But here’s how complicated the ‘ALEC Issue” can be. Note that one of ALEC’s members is Energy Future Holdings, based in Texas. According to, “EFH is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Sano Blocker, an EFH lobbyist and Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, represents EFH on ALEC’s corporate board as of 2011.”

EFH is owned in part by TPG Capital, a massive venture capital company whose founding partner is David Bonderman. Bonderman’s personal wealth is estimated at $2 billion. TPG is heavily invested in resource extraction around the world. (

On February 29, 2012, “Occupy Dallas ‪#‎F29‬–Shut Down the Corporations..National Day of Action” protested in front of Energy Future Holdings’ main office in Dallas, Texas. On its facebook page, one comment read: “How about a sign that says, ‘Energy Future Holding” are Kochsuckers…just a thought. LOL…but seriously.’ Yet the Koch Brothers, known for their conservative views and affiliation with the Republican Party, have nothing to do with EFH. Bonderman usually aligns himself with the Democratic Party..

Bonderman is also regarded by many within the mainstream environmental movement as one of America’s most influential conservationists. He donates millions of dollars to “green” groups; The Salt Lake Tribune calls him “a major financier of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.” And he sits on the boards of several environmental organizations, including the Wilderness Society and the Grand Canyon Trust (GCT). In addition to Bonderman, the Trust boasts a substantial number of bankers, venture capitalists and financiers on its board.

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