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(From the Oct/Nov Zephyr) THE LATIGO WIND PROJECT: For Better or Worse, the Future has Arrived in Monticello, Utah…by Jim Stiles


Right now, work continues at a furious rate to construct and activate 27 massive wind turbines, called the Latigo Wind Project, along a ridge just north of Monticello. (For those trying to identify the location, find a map and look for County Road 196, just north of the Monticello city limit. Follow the road until it hits the US Forest Service boundary. Along that road, for several miles is the Latigo Wind Project)…

Sustainable Power Group (sPower), a company based in Salt Lake City,  acquired the Latigo Wind Project from Wasatch Power earlier this summer. In order to receive significant federal subsidies,  the company is racing the clock to substantially complete it before a December deadline. According to Forbes Magazine, “Wind energy companies have heavily relied upon a government construct known as the “Production Tax Credit”  to support their bottom lines. The PTC is a federal program that provides billions of dollars annually to subsidize renewable energy facilities such as wind farms.”  But on December 31, the subsidies end…

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