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  1. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) In a Winter Month…by Damon Falke December 29, 2016

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  2. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Vlachos’ Views…Photos and Captions by Paul Vlachos December 28, 2016

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  3. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) THE WAY IT IS THIS MORNING…DECEMBER 22, 1941…by Jim Stiles December 27, 2016

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  4. (From the Dec /Jan Zephyr) Sowing Clover: The Walnut Desk…by Tonya Stiles December 26, 2016

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  5. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Take it or Leave it: BEARS EARS CHRONICLES: A PUBLIC LANDS HISTORY & THE FUTURE…by Jim Stiles December 25, 2016

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  6. Sunrise. May 25, 2016 December 25, 2016

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  7. THE ORCHARDS ON 500 WEST. MOAB, 1989 December 23, 2016

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  8. THE ’24 HOURS OF MOAB’ BIKE RACE. 2003 (now defunct) December 22, 2016

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  9. THE COLORADO RIVER at COURTHOUSE WASH at flood stage. 1920s? December 22, 2016

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  10. Nothing Says “Christmas” like Funding our Legal Defense… December 20, 2016

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  11. BEFORE & AFTER… Cottonwood tree just north of town. 1978 & 1993 December 19, 2016

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  12. (Reveal) Local governments hide public records, face few consequences December 17, 2016

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  13. (IndianCountryToday) Mainstream Media MIA as DAPL Action is Met with Water Cannons and Mace. December 16, 2016

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  14. (10News) Wind Turbine Collapses in Ocotillo Area December 16, 2016

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  15. Re-Vegetation December 15, 2016

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  16. “PORTRAITS OF MOAB” 1988-1993: JIMMIE WALKER December 13, 2016

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  17. (Hutchinson News) Farmer files federal lawsuit to prevent recently completed Pratt area wind farm from starting, to protect Whooping Cranes December 12, 2016

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  18. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Statement on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Decision to Not Grant Easement December 12, 2016

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  19. Journalism is… December 11, 2016

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  20. Inside “The Bubble,” Life Continues as Normal… December 11, 2016

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  21. (KSJD) Fort Lewis College Won’t Punish Students Who Graffitied Comb Ridge Archaeological Site December 10, 2016

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  22. (Durango Herald) Fort Lewis College students vandalize Native American ruins in Utah December 9, 2016

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  23. (Video) Two Girls Capture One Of Nature’s Most Fantastic Spectacles…Murmuration December 6, 2016

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  24. The Dec/Jan Zephyr is Online! December 5, 2016

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