EXCERPT: Europe and the U.S. have been building onshore wind turbine plants in rural areas for more than 25 years. Anyone living within about 1 mile of such plants would hear the noises year-round, year after year. Those nearby people would be experiencing:
• Decreasing property values.
• Damage to their health, due to lack of sleep and peace of mind.
• Living with closed windows and doors, due to year-round noises.
• Exposure to infrasound.

A turkey vulture flies among the dormant wind turbines at the now mothballed Tres Vaqueros wind farm in the Altamont area of Contra Costa County, Calif., on Friday, May 8, 2015. The question of how many birds are killed on the Altamont Pass by the wind turbines located there has once again reared its ugly head. The number of estimated deaths due to the turbines ranges from zero to about 6,000 per year. This includes birds of all species including golden eagles. A new “background mortality” study, which will come up with estimates on how many birds in the area might be dying from causes other than the turbines, will be released soon. (Dan Honda/Bay Area News Group)
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