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(From the Oct/Nov Zephyr) But What of It: Jazz and the Occasional Wanderings of a Sometimes Lonely Man…by Damon Falke


I’m not sure when I began associating jazz with the places I’ve lived, including the Moab where I grew-up.  Thanks to my father, jazz entered my life early, but maybe jazz became more constant to me when I was learning to drive. That’s when I gained control of the radio and CD player.  I started leaving Moab on my own and wanted music for company.  But the vehicles I first drove—a pea green International Scout , a 1965 Dodge Adventurer, a Ford Courier—didn’t have CD players. That wasn’t much of a problem because I preferred the radio.  I still prefer the radio. Most of my driving was in rural areas, so finding a radio station that stayed tuned and played jazz was rare.   Even so, I could tune-in jazz almost every evening on the public radio station out of Salt Lake City.  I believe the station was KUER.  The jazz program started around eight each evening and earlier on Fridays.  I preferred to drive late, and I drove late just to hear the music.

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