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calling Dr. Strangelove!

As the “debate” escalates over climate change/warming, we can expect to witness more malarkey per square foot than at any other time in the brief, inglorious history of Homo erectus asphaltus. Scrambling for more energy, albeit green, our fearless leaders are consistent in their myopia. More is best!

As reported by MSNBC, “The British government unveiled plans Monday to launch one of the world’s most ambitious expansions of nuclear-power capacity, calling for the construction of 10 plants to help meet surging energy demands in the era of global warming.”

Ain’t that grand? More juice for those nifty iPhone gizmos that keep us wired to our fellow primates.

Of course, if the “British government” had done a bit of research, they’d have figured out that condoms turn out to be much cheaper than nukes.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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