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PROFESSOR VALLEY from Utah Hwy 128 (the River Road) 1978

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(Grist) Environmentalism’s elitist tinge has roots in the movement’s history

EXCERPT: The relationship between inequality and environmentalism is vexing. It inheres in some of North America’s most troublesome conflicts: efficiency versus equity, individual liberty versus the common good, abundance versus scarcity. Environmentalists have passionately defended things endangered or in short supply, but have rarely considered the hard truths about who benefits from saving wilderness, eliminating pollution, or halting logging and fishing. When we put a human face on the environment, the choices seem less obvious. All too often, that historical face has been poor and dispossessed.


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(From the OCT/NOV Z) Take it or Leave it: HOW EFFECTIVE WAS THE ‘ANTIQUITIES ACT’ WITHOUT ‘ARPA?’ Ask BLM’s Ranger Lynnell Schalk…by Jim Stiles

Take it or Leave it: HOW EFFECTIVE WAS THE ‘ANTIQUITIES ACT’ WITHOUT ‘ARPA?’ Ask BLM’s Ranger Lynnell Schalk…by Jim Stiles

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The park’s then-modest entrance station, staffed by intrepid Ranger Kris Allen, anxiously awaiting more tourists (In 1984, Arches saw about 375,000 of them)

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We Love our Backbone Supporters!

The Zephyr Backbone is what keeps us alive! Click here to Join!


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(MountainJournal) Unnatural Disaster: Will America’s Most Iconic Wild Ecosystem Be Lost To A Tidal Wave Of People?


Before us, and stretching for nearly 40 miles to the next muted horizon is the Gallatin Valley, one of the fastest-growing semi-rural settings in America. Carpenter, known for his work as a career land use planner, says it won’t be long, given current trend-lines, before the vast chasm of space fills in with exurban development.

Yes, it’s a fact in the Anthropocene: places grow and inevitably change. I’ve been fortunate to view some of the more spectacular undiscovered ones firsthand in my reporting around the world, but what Carpenter says has radically altered the way I think about the place I call home—the place that I assumed given the huge base of public lands would always be protected.

It’s made me realize no other models from elsewhere can be imported to resolve what’s currently happening rapidly in Greater Yellowstone, the wildest corner of the Lower 48 states.


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August 21, 2017…Remembering the Total Eclipse of the Sun… Stars at 1 pm…

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(From the OCT/NOV Z) Herb Ringer’s American West: “TWO AND A QUARTERS”

Herb Ringer’s American West: “TWO AND A QUARTERS”

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(DenverPost) Bears not selfie-friendly, Aspen police warn

EXCERPT: But after a picture-hungry crowd chased a mother bear and her two cubs Wednesday, Aspen police are warning that what may look like an opportunity for rock star selfie with a bear, could cause the animal to lose its life.

Police spent most of Wednesday monitoring a mother and two cubs that were in a tree on the Hyman Avenue mall.

When the bears came down in the evening, they faced a crowd, many of whom “insisted on trying to get close enough to take selfies,” according to Sgt. Rob Fabrocini.

Fabrocini witnessed one woman walk up to the bears with her child in her arms hoping to take a picture with them.

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