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(Deseret News) Op-ed: A Native American explains why a Bears Ears National Monument would do more harm than good

EXCERPT: For decades we’ve seen special interest groups like Sierra Club and SUWA lobby for the full extinguishment of our rights to public lands using false narratives. These narratives pushed by special-interest groups have been quite discouraging for Native Americans like myself who actually go to Bears Ears itself and understand the area and see how much a national monument does more harm than good…

…Another disingenuous narrative that speaks to the heart of the issue would be “tribal co-management.” The initial reasons for a Bears Ears National Monument have always been about “tribal co-management,” yet the end results are far from ringing true. If you believed the rhetoric coming from special-interest groups, you’d actually think the Bears Ears Commission actually has the same level of authority as the United States Department of Interior in managing the Bears Ears National Monument.

Upon reading pages seven and eight of the Bears Ears National Monument proclamation, lo and behold you’d actually find that, “Bears Ears Commission is hereby established to provide Guidance and Recommendations.” Wait a second, Recommendations? Guidance? That doesn’t sound like co-management at all. The term “tribal co-management” isn’t even stated in the actual monument proclamation at all. In fact the very language for the proclamation simply implies that the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service would give a Native American voice on land management within Bears Ears National Monument a rather monotonous, “dully noted.”

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( Road Trip! Photos from US Route 30 in 1948

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Car driving from Omaha Nebraska to Salt Lake City Utah on Highway 30.


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SPANISH VALLEY…about 1979.

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This is what was flying over San Juan County, Utah today… what next?

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BIG BUCK…Summer 2016

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MOAB, UTAH. 1979. Near the junction of Main Street & 400 East

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Zephyr Auction Begins for John De Puy Painting

Hello Zephyr Readers,

Today marks the beginning of our online auction of John De Puy’s brilliant 2003 oil painting, “Mesa, Valley of the Gods.” Bids must be submitted by email, to As a reminder, the gallery price for this painting was set at $5800. We will accept bids starting at $1000.

The bidding period will last for one month, until 6pm MDT on July 12, 2017. We will not publicly disclose the current high bid, but we will contact all bidders personally on the status of their bid as new offers come in.

After the auction ends, we will notify the top bidder that he or she has won the auction. If, for some reason, the top bidder is unable to pay, then, of course, we will direct the prize to the second-highest bidder.

When we receive payment from the top bidder, plus a shipping fee of $50, we will mail the painting. Or the winner can come to Southern Utah and pick up the painting between July 12 and July 30.

Please direct any questions about the auction or the painting to Jim Stiles at

Again, all proceeds go to pay attorney fees for the remaining three defendants in the Rebecca Davidson/Tara Smelt Defamation Lawsuit.

Thanks, as always, for your support. It’s appreciated beyond our ability to express it.

Jim & Tonya Stiles




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(Alternative Media Syndicate) Many Americans Believe Chocolate Milk Comes from Brown Cows

“According to a new survey, nearly half the US population (47 percent) are unsure about where chocolate milk comes from. Seven percent believe that chocolate milk comes to us from brown cows. Yes, of the last 100 people you’ve seen, spoken to, had brunch with, seven of them are under the impression that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.”

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