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FUNDRAISING TIME: Dear readers, we need to raise $2,500 between now and the end of the year. Without this amount of money (in addition to what we have already received), we won't be able to maintain Swans with the quality and dependability you have grown used to over the years. We must pay for our costs, at the very least. You read Swans and you appreciate our commentaries and the fact that we are an ad-free zone. We do too, but we are shouldering the financial costs. We can't do it ad vitam aeternam. If you wish to continue enjoying Swans, please help us raise $2,500. Ask yourselves the value of our work, and whether you can find a better edited, more trenchant, and thoughtful Web publication that keeps sanity and sound thoughts as first priorities. Without your help, we shan't be able to continue to bring to you and the larger community this cogent bi-weekly collection. Donate now! —

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