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![]() The Canyon Country
With Doug Meyer in Flagstaff, Arizona
The Fat Lady Warms Up
case you hadn’t heard, China is now in front of the line for the
Earth’s dwindling oil reserves. The US offcially lost the war in 2008,
when oil markets signaled the end of global growth. After all, it was
the US sub-prime deadbeats that couldn’t pay their bills, while China,
with its 300 million consumers and another billion wannabes, had the
fnancial elites salivating. Of course the power class saw this coming
long ago and events are proceeding according to plan. That plan was to
destroy oil demand in the US in favor of China. Keep in mind that your
kids, grand-kids, great-grand-kids, etc. will be forever paying off the
$2 billion that the US borrows every single day from China, so you can
forget about the military. They never worked for you anyway.
a so-called “middle way” of native life on the rez is emerging, as we
are cajoled into believing. Small-scale residential solar systems are
presented as the saving technology, not only allowing remote home-sites
their only real chance for basic electrical power, but creating a
“vibrant economy” based on, you guessed it, fnancing, installation and
maintenance of exorbitantly priced systems for people with no money. Oh
those rich, guilty white folks (in the form of the Grand Canyon Trust)
who shut down Mohave Generating Station thereby putting some Navajo
coal miners out of work, and who then sued to take money from a corrupt
cap and
The irony is worth savoring.
The market is killing us.
Progressives’ cowardly submission
to the glories of capitalism
will never be forgiven or forgotten.
What is it that has destroyed the Earth?
It’s always been the economy, stupid.
we’ve reached “plateau-oil”, with the world’s 800 biggest oil felds in
a 7 per cent annual decline and not nearly enough new supply coming
online to offset it, it’s important to understand that the constraint
now is really more about the market price not always being high enough
to justify going after that very hard to reach remaining oil. China
will get a bigger and bigger share of what’s left while US consumers
simply can’t afford to stay in the game. In any competition over energy
prices, China will out-bid the US.
So, because we can’t grow our oil use, there will never be another
general economic recovery in the US. Our oil-based infrastructure
ensures that. Should a general recovery start, US gasoline prices would
spike just enough to kill the demand while still not creating incentive
to undertake the costly seven year investment needed to bring new
supplies online. And by the way, it takes a lot of oil to make an
electric car. And it takes a lot of capital, fossil-fuel energy, and
material resources to make a corporate wind farm or solar thermal
plant. You watch those paper “renewable energy” scams disappear as soon
as the stimulus money runs out.
No oil è no general recovery è no way out of debt è no “green economy”. Get it?
irony is worth savoring. The market is killing us. Progressives’
cowardly submission to the glories of capitalism will never be forgiven
or forgotten. What is it that has destroyed the Earth? It’s always been
the economy, stupid.
market in California and give it to the Navajo Nation, which in turn
provides a credit allowing a few rural Navajos to go into debt on
solar panels. That’s meaningful change? That’s grassroots? That’s a
“Just Transition”?
this would be standard fare progressive folly but for a far more
sinister lie embedded in the happy greenwash of the article. Because
Jen Jackson presents the theme of small-scale solutions in sharp
contrast with the devastation of energy profteering and corporate
plunder of the landscape, we’d certainly hope that none of the
article’s good guys would in reality be pushing big-time energy players
onto a small Navajo chapter. Think again.
Empowerment” relies heavily on the story of the Shonto Rural Renewable
Energy Company. Here’s what the Grand Canyon Trust has to say in the
3rd paragraph of its own web page describing the very same project that
we are told in the article was to be for local beneft only:
Small-scale residential solar systems
are presented as the saving technology,
not only allowing remote home-sites
their only real chance for basic electrical power,
but creating a “vibrant economy” based on,
you guessed it, fnancing, installation
and maintenance of exorbitantly priced systems
for people with no money.
Oh joy.
Greenwashing is Renewable on the Rez
about the Unsustainable States of America just seven years ago, when
“progressives” and “conservatives” alike stuck their plastic 9/11 fags
back on their SUV’s and proudly bought their gas on credit in support
of the invasion of Iraq, we see the depth of denial that our spineless
progressive friends are capable of. Now, as their pathetic cries for a
“green economy” begin to fade into debt-soaked American history, all we
ask for is a little surrender. Instead, the progressive media machine
is on auto-pilot, programmed to keep pumping out lies about our future
in the green never-never land.
A mind-numbing article in the April 2010 Inside Outside Magazine...
“The possibility of utility-scale renewable energy projects to offer power to western Navajo communities and, ultimately, distant markets was also discussed. The Shonto Chapter has now authorized Citizens Wind Energy to begin assessing the viability of a utility-scale wind energy development.”
that’s the same Citizen’s Wind Energy run by Joe Kennedy Jr., of the
Hy-annis Port Kennedy’s, the same family that fought the wind farm off
Cape Cod. And Citizen’s is the same company that failed to win over the
Cameron chapter during its fght with the Navajo Nation over development
rights to Gray Mountain last year.
us into an Obama-era world of hope “against all odds” on the Na-vajo
reservation. Despite ravaging impacts of coal mines and power plants
where “enormous metal transmission towers march like an enemy army across the