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From Mudd, Stiles & The Heath Monitor Files
There are more than 20 mil­lion deer romping around the United States these days, up from just 500,000 in 1900.
Climate researchers confirm a noticeable decline in interest. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the respected Pots­dam Institute for Climate Impact Research, recalls that his tele­phone used to ring off the hook whenever extreme weather con­ditions set in. Now hardly any­one calls, he says.
Just what we need, instead of Big Brother is Watching, it'll be Big Retail is Seducing. And the price? They'll track your every shopping desire, tailoring coupons and come-ons to shoppers 24/7. You'll be riding past McDonalds and your iPhone will beep - "Leroy, it's been awhile since you had a Big Mac. Pull in at the next block and we'll knock $1 off that Super Sized Soft Drink and toss in some free fries!"
On all fronts, aquaculture is searching for new frontiers.
And the indications are that the industry of the future will farm different species, use novel inte­grated production methods, and explore new physical environ­ments, from city centres to the open ocean.
From NYT:
But what if manufacturers could make coupon of­fers on the spot, as you stood in the aisle, within sight of the promoted product? Your cellphone would identify your shopping predilections, allowing the manufacturer to withhold the offer if you were like­ly to buy the product anyway. The offer could go ex­clusively to those who just needed a little nudge.
The possibility is not a distant one. Point Inside, a mobile technology company in Bellevue, Wash., has been testing still-incomplete technology for de­termining where shoppers are standing in grocery stores and big-box retailers. The goal is to determine accurate locations to within one meter.

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