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Jim -
I just saw the Brave New West for the frst time, and I’ve got to tell you---I feel your pain. I live in the Ozarks now, and I well remember walking the Buffalo River with my dad 50 years ago. It was a different world.
Clean, pristine, wild. The Ozarks of today resembles nothing of that world. The very picture of white trash greed---hit-and-run logging, Wal-Mart bags hanging in every tree, ramshackle trailers surrounded by acres of plastic trash.
Ironic that those of us who care enough about the land to treat it with care get run over by the ‘new dumb’, as Hunter Thompson called them.
My reputation in these parts is, as the mayor told me last election season, ‘A tree-hug­ging, green party, nigger-lover’.
Ce la vie. I’m going blind these days, and it’s a blessing.
I understand well Edward Abbey’s rage. Maybe we’re all just living in a dream. But I’ll hang onto it with my last breath...
Hey Jim,
Good work again with the latest Z. Thanks!
However, when you write about environmentalism and link to The Nation and De­mocracy Now! you make me fip in my Boonville’s grave. Have you ever heard of Michael Barker and read his thorough research on the baloney of environmentalism?
It’s all there on Swans.com for you to discover; and it’s certainly more documented and serious than what you found on The Nation and Democracy Now!, twooutfts that are playing guignols for the Democrats. Are you playing guignol too?
Please look at Barker’s research next time before you make a fool of yourself. We must come together and eschew the MSM #2 -- the likes of your sources that are nothing else than a channel to the status quo. Or are you a member of the gang?
Inquisitive minds wonder.
*peace* J.C. Ebbing Harriet, AR
Dear Jim,
Loath as I am to write to your Journal I really feel I have to respond to your letter writer in the FebMarch issue.
As the “adventurist lunatic” she seems to think I am, I perhaps ought to point out my long experience in hiking in deserts around the world, and in hiking in Australia, Latin America and North America. I had spent over 30 years doing it at that point, and after a couple of years travelling in Australia as well as my experience in the deserts of the south­west, I felt I knew my capabilities out in the desert. I trust that you can vouch for me in this matter. (In fact Jim, you can direct the reader to your memorable account of meeting me and my hiking feats in your article “Our Favorite Tourists #1”, if it’s online.)
Gilles d’Aymery
EDITOR’S NOTE: I couldn’t ask for a better example of partisan intractability. Mr. D’Aymery even gets indignant and gnarly when his media opponents agree with him. More on this letter and others of its ilk in a future Zephyr essay, “The Insularity of the Erudite.” Until then, I am off to research the defnition of guignol...GUIGNOL???...JS

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