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![]() have
been systematically robbing the workforce of this country by
outsourcing jobs, cannot then demand the loyalty of that workforce by
asking them to pay for military protection of the corporate interests.
Particularly when the corporations themselves pay damn all in taxes.
Now we are fighting in Libya. We need to remember that each nation has its own path to salvation and that we
not attack others in defense of Democracy. Each nation has a differenl
pathway to Democracy and we should be helpful in peaceful ways. The
United States should not be in the killing mode to please the rulers of
our nation. This is just plain dumb.
quoting, Alexander Cockburn, in Anderson Valley Advertiser (Mendoci-no
Country, California), headlined, "Libya, Oh What a Stupid War:
have a thriving antiwar demonstration going in Yellow Springs, a town
that served as an Underground Railroad station for blacks escaping
slavery. Once, we were visited by three men from Pakistan who were
defending Islam. We have been interviewed several times by the local
Recently the local radio station talked to us.
demonstration was started by a woman who was jailed for three months
for defying the powers-that-be in the School of the Americas.
That was eight years ago. We are going on nine years now.
his part,Obama wasn't keen on intervention, seeing it as another costly
swamp, yet another war, and one opposed by Defense Secretary Gates and
the Joint Chief of Staff. But by now the liberal interventionists and
the Neo-cons were in full cry, and Obama, perennially fearful of being
outflanked, succumbed, hastening to one of the least convincing
statement of war aims in the nation's history.
already earned a threat of impeachment from leftist Congressman Dennis
Kucinichfor arrogating war-making powers constitutionally reserved for
the U.S.Congress, though it has to be said that protests from the left
have been pretty feeble."
So, every Saturday Alison and I drive eight miles from Xenia (couldn't afford the prices for real estate in Y.S).
We have fun talking to regulars. Today we had 25 people on the four corners of the intersection.
I am writing this because my recent poster reads:
at the demonstration, I make my rounds from corner to corner, stopping
passing pedestriams to ask them "Have you ever thought of joining us?"
The replies are always interesting. Sometimes I say, "Taking that step
will change your life." That is true. It takes a little gumption to
take that crucial step, to show your face to passing cars and walkers
of the sidewalks. Some blame the weather and I accept that. Sometimes
rain or snow or cold makes the demonstration miserable. My parting shot
is "I'll look for you next Saturday." Recruits are few, but steady—
this, after all, is a very small town — they soon become "regulars." We
have a drummer now that livens things up on even the most miserable day.
quote from the first paragraph of a piece in "In These Times" by
Stephen Lerner, under the title "Take the Fight to the Streets:"
CAN BE OUR MOMENT. A new activism is emerging in the United States and
abroad, where people, in unexpected places, are standing up to
challenge the rich and powerful. From recent uprisings in Egypt, to
young people and workers in Europe marching and striking against
shortsighted austerity plans, to the battle of nurses, teachers,
firefighters and community members in Wisconsin, and the sit-ins and
occupation of banks starting around the country, a movement is starting
to grow."
for peace & justice, for equity & the common good, has an
entirely different feeling from that of trying to jack up enthusiasm
for some military adventure dictated by the interests of huge
corporations. Corporations, which
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