(Click each image to enlarge.)

Christmas, 1944.

Joseph and Herb attend the Hauptmann (Lindbergh kidnapping) Trial.

Joseph’s extensive lists of “Towns and Cities” visited by the family.

Herb, posing with a Winchester rifle.


The Ringers arrive in Flagstaff and Williams, AZ.

Visiting Beatty and Tonopah, NV.

Herb at Ft. Churchill, NV.

“Pres. Roosevelt died on this day and we lived in Reno, Nev. at the time.” April 12, 1945.

Joseph Ringer’s journal entry for Victory in Europe (VE) Day. May 8, 1945.

Joseph Ringer’s journal entry for Victory over Japan (VJ) Day. August 14, 1945.

Two years after his father’s death, Joseph Ringer pasted the telegram into his journal.

The Ringers visit Mexico.

The Ringers move into their “Giant Trailer Home.” November 1954.

Joseph Ringer remembers playing with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in 1910 under the conduction of composer Gustav Mahler.
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What a wonderful read.Do you have all of his journals..It would make a wonderful book. If you ever do it, I would buy a copy. Thanks