Herb Ringer’s American West: Marble Canyon & House Rock Valley, Arizona. 1946-1954

HERB RINGER and his parents, Sadie and Joseph, traveled across the American West and into the Canadian Rockies on numerous trips, from 1941 to 1973. We are in the process of scanning hundreds of Herb’s Kodachrome transparencies that have never been seen in The Zephyr.

Here is a sampling of images, shot by Herb between 1946 and 1954, from visits to Marble Canyon and House Rock Valley, and excerpts from his journal of the 1954 visit…JS

The original Marble Canyon Bridge
The road maintenance area where the Ringers camped.
A corral in House Rock Valley, near Marble Canyon
Marble Canyon
Sunset on the Vermillion Cliffs. 1946

HERB RINGER came West from his home in New Jersey in 1939. Camera in hand,
Herb captured the American West, from the Canadian Border to the Rio Grande and
from the Big Sur coast to the High Plains.
We believe Herb’s collection of Life in the West is one of the finest. His work has been
published in The Zephyr for 20 years. I am pleased finally, to offer Herb’s photographs
in color. We are also building a new ‘album’ of his work, elsewhere on this site.
My dear friend died on December 11, 1998…JS

For the Most Comprehensive Collection of Herb Ringer Photographs Online, Click Here to see the Herb Ringer Issue of the Zephyr.

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Omar Tatum AmeriCandy

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