When we recently watched “Planet of the Humans,” the new controversial environmental documentary produced by Michael Moore, we felt like we were re-living a number of our articles from the last couple decades. In addition to Jim’s written response, we wanted to draw interested readers to articles that could help give greater context to the film. Issues like Big Money in Environmental organizations, and the complicated impacts of Renewable Energy, are not new to readers of the Z.
We’ve re-published two of our pre-Wordpress articles on those topics in this issue. THE FUTURE SOLAR LANDSCAPE? How “Alternative Energy” is about to TRANSFORM the American West …By Kevin Emmerich and Laura Cunningham and The GREENING of WILDERNESS: How the Mega-rich are Co-opting Environmentalism and Turning It into Big Business …by Jim Stiles are both posted in their entirety on our homepage. And below is an assortment of articles from the past decade addressing the contentious questions of “Green” capitalism and Renewable Industrialization…
The Costs and Impacts of Renewable Energy:
The Influence of Big Money on Environmentalist Organizations:

How does PeaceUp feel about the relationship, directly or by association, between mainstream environmental groups and Bonderman, TPG, EFH and ALEC? Can it still support ‘green’ groups that receive funding, directly or indirectly, from corporations like Energy Future Holdings? It was Tim DeChristopher himself who told Climate Connections in 2011, “I think the problem is that we have too many rich people in the leadership of the environmental movement, who have benefited from the status quo. It is hard to change the world when you have little personal investment in changing it.”
In Peaceful Uprising’s “steadfast commitment to the truth,” some hard ones need to be acknowledged and confronted.
Don’t forget the Zephyr ads! All links are hot!