Everyone was expecting another typical Moab Spring. A year earlier it had looked like this…

and then…

For weeks, Moab looked like this. A post-apocalyptic ghost town.

Moab local Kerry Lange took these two shots from a spot on Main Street, looking one direction and then the other.

And then. Moab swung from one end of the spectrum to the other. Much of September and October looked like this.

Road construction on the north end of Main Street made matters even worse, and yet two lanes of traffic were maintained at all times. More than the construction, it was just untold masses of humans, frustrated and fed up, confined for months, unleashing their wanderlust on the same place at the same time.

Jim Stiles is Founding Publisher and Senior Editor of the Canyon Country Zephyr.
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I was in Valley of the Gods mid march. I ran into Bluff where I heard Moab had closed. That’s when I knew things were serious. I couldn’t imagine Moab ever closing for any reason. If Moab was turning away tourists the apocalypse was upon us….
We call it “Bloab”. “Schmoab” is another… ah, for the old ghost town that was our private paradise.
My daughter and her new husband were amongst that October mob, visiting Moab as part of their honeymoon. Rather than stay, they continued straight through town and found a place in Bluff. Crazy times.