I would speculate that most humans, especially those who have lived their lives in jobs requiring any type of secrecy, arrive at a place in old age or near death where they would like to divulge some of those secrets. The following information is not truly a confession; it’s more a “report,” an opinion if you like, about a subject I’ve studied for perhaps, seventy-five years – since my early teens, looking up at the stars in the night sky in wonderment. You don’t live almost a century wondering about the secrets of our solar system/galaxy without discovering truths that reinforce beliefs. I have interviewed many people who have shared the traumatizing experience of viewing vehicles flying around in our skies, labeled unidentified flying objects – UFOs.

About seventy-five years ago, when I was about sixteen or seventeen years of age, I would sneak downstairs after everyone was asleep, go out back of the house (we lived in the country), and gaze at the stars. I would stand, dumbfounded, and in my sleeping clothes, until I would become chilled, and go back inside. No, I never observed any strange objects flying around in the heavens, but this experience was the beginning of a life-long wonderment at our existence. Thankfully, my mother or any of the family never discovered me outside in my underwear. If they had, I would probably be forever labeled eccentric – crazy to most folks at the time.
My life detoured, as most lives do, from those interests and intuitions each of us should follow in our life journeys. I have taken my experiences seriously and interviewed many people who have witnessed UFO sightings. I’ve been to Roswell, New Mexico, the location of where perhaps the most well-known incident was recorded, and talked to mature intelligent people willing to trust others with their stories. I’ve been disrespectfully treated at the Houston Space Center, trying to find close-up images of the moon’s craters, and for probing a little too much, so please don’t scoff and tell me about swamp gas, weather balloons, and experimental dummies. Anyone still in doubt and believing the plethora of information our government is denying, is branding millions of citizens/witnesses as liars and hallucinating individuals. I contend that almost all of the witnesses are of sound mind and accurately report what they observe. Denial is no longer an option.
Over the last half-century, I’ve traveled, read many historic accounts, and listened to personal experiences of UFO sightings. I believe witnesses such as Glenn Dennis, Walter Hough, and Jesse Marcel, who were involved in the Roswell incident. I believe Phillip Corso (The Day After Roswell), the man initially in charge of the material evidence gathered from that crash and secreted away by our government. I believe astronauts, Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, airline and military pilots, and the millions of intelligent people who have reported their personal experiences.

I’ve examined evidence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence present on and around the skies of earth as a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigator. It doesn’t take long to recognize sincerity in testimony, and yes, I’ve witnessed some who appeared untruthful in their experiences, but it’s not difficult to note insincerity in testimony, and definitely very obvious when observing fear – the fear and amazement on the face of an apprehensive witness is as convincing as hard evidence visible under a scientific microscope. It’s very difficult to lie about fear. And please don’t tell me to produce hard evidence when we all know how trained military personnel immediately confiscate all crash evidence, including any photographic material that may have been captured by concerned citizens.
For those of you who have been around for at least fifty years or more, and some younger, intelligent, open-minded people, have you noticed? The magicians of cosmology and supposed public servants, are still working with illusions, convincing us to focus on a space station distraction, along with Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and the many space probes, while the real answers have been right in our face – the moon! Have you wondered why we never went back? Half a century has passed and we’ve ignored such an ideal jumping-off location for exploring Mars and our outer planets.
How long do we turn our back on reality and ignore evidence? How long do we tolerate a government thinking we are not mature enough to accept their existence? They exist. They don’t care. They tolerate us. If we were a threat we would not have survived as long as we have. They are prehistoric and more than likely, preceded the earliest of earth’s human inhabitants. They appear to be inter-dimensional. What are they doing here? Our oldest historical records indicate they have been with us since the beginning. They are miners – aluminum, iron, titanium, and other complex silicates, are present on the moon. Do they need oxygen? I don’t know, but water is surely an element vital to universal life. I do know that a little more than two and one-half tons of iron ore can produce a ton of oxygen, extracted in the reduction process. We are also miners. We mine to survive. I suggest that the moon has been mined for thousands of years, perhaps millions – mineral deposits in a convenient “dry” environment. And yes, there is circumstantial evidence of ancient mining on earth, a more difficult situation because of the excess of water. But water is also crucial for survival “out there.”
Yes, they place value on earth’s humans. Who or whatever they are, they are also miners of life – genetic miners. We and all life forms on earth have great value to other galactic entities. Value for what? Dare I suggest what real purpose explains our existence? We are “left-over” remnants of workers present from, perhaps, almost half-a-million years ago, and we make excellent servants. Herein lies a truth far more traumatic than accepting the existence of UFOs. Ancient mining ruins in Africa date to around 80,000 years ago. There are evidential structures scattered across the globe that precede modern humans. This should not be surprising to initiates of ET Intelligence. Now it’s time to recognize that we are not alone, and we cannot be accepted into any universal order until certain genetic details are activated to remove the more negative aspects of our behavior. We are what has been referred to as a Warrior species and our present physiological and psychological condition cannot be abandoned overnight. We still follow primitive patterns condoning violence in ruling entities.

Now, seventy-four years after Roswell, a UFO marker event in U. S. history, military leaders sitting on their top-secret thrones, are on the verge of admitting to a public deserving to know, that they exist – THEY EXIST! They have hovered over nuclear facilities, inspected our missile sites, dropped down into the middle of O’Hare airport, and performed intrusions we would NEVER allow with anything we presently operate in earth’s sky. We have nothing to match the observability of their “machines.” Whoever they are or appear to be, they are here. They’ve been here a long time before Roswell and long before we put our feeble, mechanical, air-lift buses into the air. They have demonstrated the ability to do anything they choose. They are the keepers of the zoo. They will help us survive because any entity recognizing consciousness must be protected by a Universal Law of Intelligence Survival. We must believe in the positive aspects of human evolution in the galaxy.
In my discussions with others, be they believers or skeptics, the question most asked: “Have you ever seen a UFO?” Strangely, in all honesty, I must answer, “No.” However, I also say, “But I’ve heard one.”
Some friends and I were socializing at a cabin located at Natural Bridge State Park, it was dark and a dense fog smothered the small area where Kentucky state route 11 meanders through a small canyon. I heard what I thought was a diesel-engine truck traveling down the highway. As it got closer I realized something wasn’t right. As it slowly passed below me the amplified noise sounded more like a huge diesel engine running without oil and ready to explode. I’m absolutely certain it was neither truck engine, nor a helicopter flying so low. There were no lights whatsoever.
Another time, my friend, Anne MacFee, with whom I helped investigate UFO reports, called and asked me to check out a sighting on top of the ridge about a mile from my home. An older couple lived in a small cabin just as one enters south into adjoining Wolfe County. The couple described a craft emitting a strange light and a small entity was observed looking through one of the cabin windows. A newspaper reporter had asked Anne to check it out but she was out of the area. She called me and suggested that I look into the story. The state police were supposedly asked to investigate but they denied any knowledge of the incident. The couple abandoned their cabin, weeds invaded, and it was torn down the next year.
The most interesting incident Anne and I investigated was a farmer in the rural area of Bath County, near Owensville, Kentucky, February 25th, 1994. The witness and his helper were feeding cattle on his small farm. A flying object silently floated in front of their truck, went across a small ravine and seemingly turned up on “edge” to exhibit shimmering blue and green on each side of a yellow stripe (see illustration below).

Yes, some incidents can be explained very easily as normal and natural. One fellow was excited and telling his neighbors of the UFO suspended silently overlooking their small community. I was called and immediately determined that the object was the planet Venus at its most brightly lighted time – a “full Venus,” much as we would describe a “full moon.” This happens when Venus or the moon are opposite the sun in their orbits. A full Venus sitting near the horizon in a darkened Kentucky hollow can certainly look unnatural.
So we have believers and non-believers from all aspects of society, and most believers have been ridiculed by “official” spokesmen and skeptics to the point of complete silence. What we must endure today are two types of skeptics. 1.) Those completely unaware of the historical and contemporary aspects of the true nature of unidentified flying crafts appearing in our global skies, and 2.) Those skeptics evidently making an extra few dollars from their so-called expertise in such matters. Their backgrounds in unrelated subjects, for some unreliable reason, qualifies them to add confusion to the realities of the time we now occupy. It is a global structure of disinformation aided and abetted by political and military agendas threatened by the possibility of a radically-changing, future social structure.
Today we have a colorful mix of TV programs, some honest and sincere in their research material, others on a questionable side – still others, hokey and unreliable. Skeptics are a dime-a-dozen, maneuvering for positions on media programs and some are simply out of the reality loop as far as qualifications go – their backgrounds varying from Ph.D. Professors of unrelated subjects to retired military people who either are ignorant of the latest developments or placed in disinformation positions to confuse and mislead the public.
The future of UFOs and their questionable goals here on earth will not be decided by funky skeptics but ultimately by those alien entities who have been with us much longer than practically anyone realizes. They pose no threat to us. The real threat lies within humans on earth. My personal belief is that such intelligence will prevent us from destroying the earth and human annihilation.
SOME NOTABLE UFO SIGHTINGS – learn about them.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri – 1941
O’Hare Airport, Chicago – 2006
The Stephensville sightings – 2008
Alan Cornette lives and paints in Kentucky. His most recent book, “The Red Mailbox,” is available on Amazon HERE.
I witnessed with a work colleague a UFO hovering over a chemical plant in Manchester at 5.50am one clear July morning in 1999, i was going to work in Trafford Park on my pushbike when i heard the sound of the nearby chemical plants emergency hooter going off, when i looked over from the road there was this craft hovering over the chemical pipelines, i was quickly joined by a colleague who was also cycling to work. It was very quiet at that time and the only noise was that of the hooter, there was no noise from the craft, it was as if they had parked up mid air and put the hand brake on. It was not of this world, it made us both late for our 6am shift in the factory where i was temping at the time, so i became a believer that we were being visited by extraterrestrials, i had gone to a talk in 1994 about the Suffolk UFO given by the Col. Charles Holt the former deputy base commander of the Usa military facility there and watched a few programmes on the subject previously. It was only as a christian catholic believer that in Feburary 2016 i came across the fact that Jesus & Mary and some of the saints had appeared to the visionary Veronica at Bayside USA (1970-94) amongst other things they told her about what would happen in the end times we are now living through was that it was Satan & his cohorts who were flying these various craft around the world in order to trick mankind into believing we were being visited by alien races that don’t exist. When the christian Rapture takes place which i believe will be some time this decade news media will report to those left behind that a mass alien abduction has occurred in order to mask the divine event (more fake news), this will herald in the 7 year Tribulation period ie, when Jesus releases the 4 horsemen, the war will be started by the combined forces of Russia/China & New York is hit by a comet, for more on this go to the shrine website http://www.tldm.org and look under Directives for the subject. Their appearances at Bayside were authenticated by the many miracles performed there, although the church will never officially recognise it, they did say there that Satan had entered the church now at its highest level as part of the ongoing spiritual war, the last authentic pope was Benedict.
When the UFO & Consciousness show came to Manchester in 2017 it took place across the road from where i had witnessed the UFO in 1999, given my own faith journey i don’t believe this was a coincidence. They promote the idea at the show that we are being visited by alien races and some of the conspiracy theories surrounding this. There are and have been many documentaries on the tv on the subject which also promote this idea.
I had a letter published in the local secular press on the subject in 2018 on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
So that was my mystery explained, Satan & his cohorts are supernatural beings thats why the bible tells us we are not up against mere flesh & blood but powers & principalities. Thats why the christian has prayer/fasting etc in their spiritual armoury, which is effective against his activities.
Regards John