December 22, 1941
Travel this month, 174 Travel to Date, 562
I returned to duty December 1, after a months vacation in California. [I commend] Relief Ranger Russ Mahan on his work, during his short period of Duty at Arches, particularly on the fine manner in which he handled the very ticklish grazing problems that are ever present in the autumn months.
While in California I made illustrated lectures to 6 groups of people, with a total attendance of 327 people. Kodachrome slides of various Southwestern National Monuments, and Western National Parks were used. Response and comments by the groups before whom the talks were given was very encouraging.
I leave, once more for California, to spend the holidays with “home folks”, and to return Rita and Margot from the “blackout zone”.

Generally speaking, winter has not yet come to Arches. Most of the days have been warm and sunny, with just an occasional short spell of cold days and nights. As I write this report, rain is falling over most of this section of the state, and if it continues, the temperature is certain to drop below freezing, and Moab and the surrounding country may have a “white” Christmas.

The road into the Windows section is in fair shape, and has been open the entire month. Lack of a maintenance crew is holding up completion of the fill over two of the culverts, and has delayed the shaling of the very rough section near the end of the road. With increased enrollment in our CCC camp anticipated, it is probable this work will be done as soon as a maintenance crew is turned over to me.
The road, through Salt Valley, to the Devil’s Garden and Delicate Arch sections is dangerous and barely passable.

One hundred and seventy-four visitors, most of them from Colorado and California, registered at the Windows section. Nine parties with 38 people were guided through the Windows, and 6 parties with 26 people were contacted at Willow Springs Ranger Station. Travel for the year, to date, is 8% below the corresponding period of 1940.
Hours spent on Interpretive contact:
Custodian Schmidt, 40 hours,
Ranger Mahan, 4 ½ hours.
Park Service visitors included Field Supervisor Taubert, Associate Regional Architect Norgard, Associate Engineer Miller, all of Region III, and Superintendent McLaughlin of Mesa Verde National Park.

The two herds of sheep, owned by Young Brothers and Jim Sommerville have been grazing on allotments just west of the monument. Both of these bands will be transferred to allotments south of the Colorado River, the drives commencing tomorrow.
Gus Morris is grazing a small band on the 16 sections between the southwest boundary and the Colorado River. He will leave this range for his ranch south of Moab within the next 3 days. This will relieve our grazing problem, until the Colorado herders start their homeward drive some time in February.

Project Progress for the Month
Maintenance of the Windows section road carried on as necessary.
Patrols were made of the Windows, Courthouse and west side of the Devil’s Garden sections.
Visitor contact carried on during the entire month.
Special patrol of the west boundary to enforce grazing regulations.
Project Program for the Ensuing Month
Continued maintenance of Windows road.
Completion of set of shelves for the Willow Springs Ranger Station.
Particular attention to enforcing the grazing regulations.
Completion of draft for two-fold leaflet.
Respectfully submitted,
Henry G Schmidt,
* NOTE: Thanks to former Arches NP superintendent Paul D. Guraedy, who gave me access in 1988 to the old monthly reports…JS