All of us are different and pursue different interests and passions. I was thinking lately— what are the subjects of interest that have stayed with me year after year, and even decade after decade? That includes the state of mind that fuels so many of us these days—conspiracy theories. For me the answer was easy: Since I was in my 20s, and in one case since I was eleven, there are three controversial events, stories if you like, stories that have grown to mythical proportions in my own mind — The JFK Assassination, my never-ending loathing for Glen Canyon Dam and the magnificent landscape that lay beneath it. And third, UFOs…Unidentified Flying Objects…now called UAPs, or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon.

After so many decades I’ve come to grips with two of my favorite obsessions. In one case, I decided my conspiratorial beliefs were simply wrong. I was a dyed-in-the wool JFK Conspiracy buff for decades. I bought every book on the subject, and watched every television program that was dedicated to the topic. “The Men Who Killed Kennedy.” “Rush to Judgment,” “The Other Oswald.” And so many more. I gobbled them up as soon as they hit the shelves. I remember the manager of the B Dalton bookstore became a friend of mine (she advertised in the Zephyr) and one day as I went straight to the JFK assassination section, she chuckled and laughed, “Have you ever considered broadening your literary interests?” It was a fair point, and she was right.
Over the years, and yes, after reading more books that provided a more fact-based, even handed analysis of the November 22, 1963 tragedy, I completely changed my mind. In fact, I found myself feeling furious with some of the conspiracy buff authors, when I realized that they had deliberately withheld information that was available as soon as November 23, 1963, but failed to disclose the facts because it would destroy their preconceptions (not to mention their book sale profits). It was the first time I saw the way the media could manipulate the minds of millions, simply by committing lies of omission. It was a lesson that served me well later on.
As to Glen Canyon Dam, I guess that as I get older and much closer to the end than the beginning, I realized it was fruitless and futile to be so upset about the damn dam. It was a terrible error by the powers that be; in effect, it allowed the most inhospitable, driest part of the North American continent to grow far beyond its natural carrying capacity. And of course, it drowned one of God’s most sacred works of art. In a few centuries, there will be no trace of the reservoir. I’ve come to accept that my yearning to see it now is, in some ways, a selfish act. We know our stay here is a relative blink of the eye in geologic time. It’s best to consider the future in broader terms than our own lifetimes.
As Abbey once said, “Glen Canyon’s not gone. It’s Just in liquid storage.” Now, seeing how Industrial Strength Recreation and sheer hordes —millions and millions — of well meaning tourists are destroying other places of beauty that still remain above the water line, I’ve concluded that Glen Canyon just might be safer where it is. Someday, it will be as it was, and hopefully by then, it can be truly appreciated by human beings, without feeling the compulsion to exploit its beauty or humanity’s craving to profit from it. The Glen will emerge and receive the treatment it deserves. Glen Canyon will be back.

BUT…my third obsession, the one that has been burrowed itself inside my brain since I was eleven years old, is a different matter. Instead of a misguided fantasy, or a sign of my own gullibility, or that I’m crazy as a shithouse rat, the subject of UFOs, AUPs…extraterrestrials, ET’s, alien beings, “Little Green Men,” has taken on a new and credible life of its own. For the first time, the U.S.Government…yes, those silly little men and women in Washington, even those who wear the uniforms of Top Gun pilots are admitting, for the first time, that there is “something out there.” Something they “can’t explain.” These “events” have been documented and fully attested to by people of unquestionable intelligence and integrity. These objects have been tracked on radar, and viewed visually by military and civilian pilots. Those airmen and women who have seen these UPAs up close, despite their professionalism, have been at a loss for words when they first witnessed these UAPs. Expressions like, “Holy Shit! Are you seeing this?” Or “what the fu*k are we seeing?” Or “Whoa Dude!” are common.
Which is exactly what my ex-wife and I said one September evening in 2021. I’ll get to that later
BEGINNINGS…”Klatu Borada Nikto” & My Indiana Sighting.
My introduction to flying saucers and extraterrestrial life came via Hollywood. In 1951. “The Day the Earth Stood Still” premiered, just years after the first official “flying saucer” report by Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot who sited strange “disk like” objects flying in formation near Mt Rainier. His experience was picked up by the local media and spread across the country. In the next few years, hundreds of UFO reports filled many column inches of newspaper space and was surely the inspiration for Robert Wise’s UFO movie.

I had never heard of the film when it premiered; in fact, I couldn’t even walk. But maybe a decade later, I saw the movie on tv and was fascinated and a bit spooked. My mother assured me it was all a hoax. She may have even told me it was “those Russian Commies.” In those days, if something was inexplicable and a little spooky, it must be the Commies.
My dad was less dismissive of the idea, and only years after he died, did I realize there was a bit of the Dreamer in him. I still regret that.
A few months later, as a brand new Boy Scout, our “troop,” Troop 246 scheduled a 16 mile hike in Brown County State Park, just 50 miles north of Louisville in Indiana. It was a long haul and the last mile of the hike was known as “Grunt n’ Groan.” The trail, called the “Ten O’Clock Line,” ended at the base of a remote firetower. We arrived at sunset and we were to wait there for our Troop bus, an old converted school bus, to pick us up. But, as we learned later, the ol’ gal was always having mechanical issues and today was no different. It was well past dark and starting to get chilly as thirty or forty boys huddled together in this broad meadow that surrounded the fire tower.

Suddenly, one of the assistant scoutmasters, Mr Schneider yelled, “What the hell…heck is that?” (He didn’t want to corrupt his boys). We all looked skyward as he pointed to three bright lights moving silently across the sky. It was like nothing any of us had ever seen before. Imagine a pencil dangling from a string, in total darkness, but with three lights attached to it, at both ends and the middle. It almost appeared to be wobbling across the sky. We were all speechless. It crossed our field of view diagonally, then paused, pivoted on its front light, and changed direction. As it disappeared over the tree line, the three lights seemed to waver, like a snake crossing open ground. It’s been more than half a century since that night. But I was hooked.
When we finally got home, my parents asked about the hike, but all I could talk about was the UFO. My father was non-committal and my mother thought I was possessed. I didn’t care. On my next trip to the local book store, I found every piece of literature I could about UFOs—there wasn’t much. But I did learn about “Project Blue Book,” the government’s ongoing project to receive and identify sightings. I would learn later that its sole purpose was to debunk UFO stories as hoaxes or misinterpretations of natural phenomenon. And most Americans agreed that “little green men from Mars” were not invading our planet.
Still the media picked up accounts from time to time that were hard to ignore. Especially stunning were the reports of “abductions,” where people previously deemed to be normal law-abiding citizens, were now spewing fantastic tales of bright lights and strange beings and being taken captive by these creatures.”

In 1964, a deputy sheriff in Socorro, New Mexico, Lonnie Zamora, gave up a car chase to check out what appeared to be a plane about to crash to the west of his location. He turned off the main highway and onto a dirt road. As he reached a crest in the road, he could see, some 200 yards away, a spherical craft. He thought it was a white car turned on its end. Beside it, he could see two small people (he assumed). But none of it made sense. The dirt road dropped down and out of sight of the craft; when he climbed back up the opposite side of the hill, he was eye-ball to eye-ball with an egg-shaped white craft that was now hovering above the ground and emitting a deafening roar. He reached for his two-way radio mic and called his boss. The object rose a few more feet into the air, and then went west at an incredible rate of speed.
When the sheriff arrived, Zamora was in a state of shock. He described what he had seen and both men walked into the arroyo where he had seen the strange craft. Sure enough, several of the sagebrush and other vegetation was on fire and they found indentations in the sand where the craft’s landing pod had settled. Zamora even recalled an odd insignia on the side of the craft. Later he was able to sketch the insignia from memory. The sheriff knew Zamora was not a man to hallucinate or to lie. He called in the sighting to the Air Force and a few days later, a representative from Project Blue Book, a scientist named J. Allen Hynek, flew to New Mexico to examine the site for himself. Hynek could find no logical explanation after a long talk with Zamora, and concluded that the deputy had indeed seen something…but what was it? Hynek later called it the most disturbing of all the “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” he had ever investigated.

A year later, the story of Betty and Barney Hill reached the mainstream press. Their 1961 encounter and abduction was more bewildering and frightening than Zamora’s close call. (I won’t try to recount their experience; it’s been told too many times before but included here is a link to a good summary of the incident on Wikipedia). Again Hynek found their testimony credible, but his evaluations were always tied to a caveat — he was confident they believed what they saw and experienced, but would not rule out other explanations. A year later, Hynek endured a heap of abuse from the media and the public, when he declared that hundreds of witnesses to a reported UFO sighting were mistaken; what they had seen was nothing more than “swamp gas,” that created the illusion of a hovering, glowing spacecraft. Later not only would Hynek regret his explanation, he would become an outspoken proponent of the notion that at least some of these UFO reports were credible.

In 1967, the military shut down Project Blue Book — Hynek had been its science advisor — and the military declared that it could give no credence to any of the thousands of UFO sightings that had been reported over the past three decades. Hynek, now free to speak his mind, founded the Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois. I immediately signed up and paid a subscription fee to receive their newsletter.
In 1973, the national media covered yet another abductee story, now known as the Pascagoula Incident. To hear them interviewed, it was hard to call this a hoax or an acid trip. These guys were working class men who had intended on nothing more than a quiet evening to get in some fishing. These guys weren’t crazy. They weren’t a mental trainwreck (like I am these days). They were not alcoholics. They weren’t drug addicts. They were not known to hallucinate. Even the police believed them. And again, I know I can’t retell the story, so go here for the facts.
Then in October 1975, just a month after I had finally traveled to Southeast Utah with the pledge that if I could not find a way to survive in this blessed place, then I really didn’t want to be alive at all…after all that, I was camped in my VW bus when another news story hit the airwaves. A man named Travis Walton, a native of Snowflake, Arizona, who had a contract with the US Forest service to thin the forest in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, had disappeared. His buddies, the other members of his crew, swore that he had been abducted by a UFO. Nobody believed them and in fact, the local authorities were convinced that one of his crew had murdered him. Then almost a week later, Travis re-appeared. The story he told his friends and family and the cops was the same —he had indeed been abducted —taken by an alien spacecraft. He was examined by odd looking creatures of superior intelligence; he remembered fighting back. He recalled trying to escape. He remembers long corridors and strange structures. And then he found himself standing in the middle of the main street of the town he grew up in. He thought he’d been gone 20 minutes. In fact he’d been missing for almost a week.

The police and most of the public doubted their story and the tree cutting crew became the butt of jokes everywhere. But all of them, including Walton, volunteered to submit to a polygraph test. ALL of them passed; there was no doubt in the mind of the examiner that Walton and his crew believed what they were saying.
I was so excited that I almost drove down there myself to have a look at the location of the incident, but winter was coming and I was trying to find a job. Fortunately others took note; one of them was Steven Spielberg. Walton’s experience and that of others like Betty and Barney Hill inspired Spielberg to pursue the topic on film. When “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” premiered in early 1978, my girlfriend and I were traveling in the Southwest, seeking warmer weather. But the trip turned into a CEIII themed wandering. Our destinations were determined by the availability of movie theaters that were showing Spielberg’s film. We must have seen it four or five times in the span of a couple weeks. I even took my camera into the theater and shot a few images from the screen, and in the era before VHS and video tapes, I also brought an audio cassette recorder with me and would listen to the movie night after night. One could argue that Travis Walton wasn’t crazy, but maybe I was.

Despite the success of the film, and the testimony of so many UFO witnesses, interest in UFOs seemed to wane for a few years. Or at least I thought it had. I rarely saw stories in the press about flying saucers and alien abductions. I spent more of my time fretting over Glen Canyon Dam and the JFK assassination. When Oliver Stone’s “JFK” premiered in 1991, I watched the film over and over, and when it debuted on VHS video, I had pre-ordered it at City Market. I paid a hundred bucks to be among the first to watch it on a home screen. And yet, it was Stone’s film that ultimately led me to dismiss the conspiracy theories. Stone’s scenario had shooters all over Dealey Plaza and the number of conspirators involved was absurd. When author Gerald Posner responded to the film with a meticulously researched and fact-based rebuttal called “Case Closed,” I read it reluctantly but his hypothesis was irrefutable, at least when it came to the shooting itself. It still seems possible that Oswald was manipulated by unknown forces to commit one of the most horrific crimes of the century, but there was only one shooter. The shots came from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book depository and it was Lee Oswald aiming at the President through the telescopic sights of his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.
With a paucity of UFO news and my own dismissal of JFK conspiracy theories, I found myself concentrating on Glen Canyon, a Quixotic Dream that someday the Canyon would emerge from its watery grave. And, in fact, for the last 22 years, due to historic droughts and perhaps the effects of climate change, the canyon is reappearing. And yet, even during those slow UFO Days, the spirit of the idea stayed with me. Thanks to the brilliant computer skills of Zephyr contributor Dan O’Connor, The Zephyr revealed secrets previously unknown. When Dan sent me this “cover,” I knew I needed to come clean…and as this article confirms, The Zephyr was indeed controlled by extraterrestrial beings.

In the winter of 1997, I made the stunning decision to disconnect my cable tv. And since cable was the only way to receive television of any kind, the screen went blank. Seeking ways to entertain myself, I turned to the radio and discovered late night radio’s king of the weird, Art Bell. By sheer coincidence, I discovered Art on the very night that thousands of citizens in the Phoenix area saw a massive UFO pass over the valley. Witnesses insisted that they could make out the triangular shape of the craft as it moved from the northwest to the southeast. The military claimed it was nothing more than flares from a military jet. But years later, even Fife Symington, the governor of Arizona in 1997, admitted that he had seen the craft itself and would never accept the official explanation.
Art Bell’s program was always unpredictable. Sometimes he invited highly respected physicists and astronomers to discuss extraterrestrial visitations. On other evenings, he permitted more “unusual” testimonies. I was introduced to all kinds of paranormal stories that had been missing from the mainstream media. I learned about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, and a remarkable claim by a former military aid to President Eisenhower. Colonel Phillip Corso, who insisted he had seen the wreckage and alien bodies of the Roswell crash. Further Corso believed that the government had been “reverse-engineering” the superior technology of the alien ship, and that everything from fiber optics to night vision goggles could be traced back to the 1947 crash. Considering Corso’s impeccable credentials, he was hard to summarily dismiss.

Other guests on the show were a bit harder to believe— there was the man who killed an alien after it vaporized his dog. He claimed he was keeping the alien in his freezer. Or the farm couple who were visited by flying saucers almost every night and the aliens who took them for joy rides, “out beyond Jupiter and back.” The farmer explained that his wife finally quit accepting rides. “I have too much housework to do without flying around in space all the time,” she complained. I wrote more extensively about my Art Bell days and you can find the story here.
When Art retired from broadcasting in the early 2000s and was replaced by a well meaning host who lacked Art’s expertise and knowledge of these paranormal topics, my interest waned as well. But then, in 2017, perhaps the most important news story of all time broke in the venerable New York Times. The headline read:

The Times revealed that since 2007, a multi-million dollar program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) had been quietly investigating UFOs, now referring to them as “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon.” Its director, Luis Alizondo, had allegedly given up his position, out of frustration with the government’s unwillingness to share AATIP’s findings and went public. The New York Times story may not have ever seen the light of day, but incredibly the U.S Navy confirmed the validity of three videos and additional radar data, shot by veteran Navy pilots. Probably many of you reading this have seen these videos, and the audio reactions of the pilots who were chasing, or attempting to chase, these “UAPs.”
Within a few weeks, three of the navy pilots appeared on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” Their descriptions were compelling, especially the accounts of Commander David Fravor and his wingman Alex Dietrich. Their experience dated back to 2004, though this was the first time the story had been told to the public.

Fravor and Dietrich were diverted from what they had thought would be various flight simulations to deal with a “real world situation” some 65 miles south of the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. Radar operators on another ship had been picking up extraordinary flight patterns of unidentified objects, literally for weeks. Radar had inexplicably picked up targets that appeared to hover at altitudes as high as 80,000 feet, then in a matter of a couple seconds, descend to sea level, in a part of the Pacific 200 miles south of San Diego. Now, with the Nimitz at its disposal and Top Gun pilots about to launch, Fravor and Dietrich were ordered to check out these unexplained objects.
Finally, the two pilots were advised that they were at “merge plot,” a term used to indicate that they were so close to their intended target that radar could not differentiate between the Super Hornets and the target they were in search of. It was at that moment that both Fravor and Dietrich saw what appeared to be churning water in the sea just below them. It was a particularly calm day and the ocean was smooth, except for this one small area below them. Fravor later said it looked the way the ocean crashes over coral reefs or a slightly submerged ship. The Super Hornet was a two seater, and at that moment, Fravor’s communications man shouted over his mic, “Skipper do you see…” And as Fravor has recounted countless times, he interrupted his com to yell, “What in the hell is that?”
What both Fravor and Dietrich and their com backseaters saw, was what would become known as the “Tic Tac.” They observed a white featureless object, with no windows, no visible means of propulsion and shaped almost exactly like the Tic Tac candy. Even more incredible was that the Tic Tac was hovering over this churning water, moving back and forth at a rate of speed that would tear a human being apart. Fravor later said it would be like putting a ping pong ball in a large jar and shaking it. The Tic Tac was moving and reversing direction that rapidly.
Fravor was a Top Gun pilot, an 18 year veteran and one of the Navy’s most respected pilots. Fravor decided to drop down and have a look. He and Dietrich were now circling the Tic Tac from an altitude of 28,000 feet. Dietrich maintained her altitude and Fravor began a slow corkscrew descent. To his surprise, as he began to descend, the Tic Tac began to rise, almost mirroring his movements. As the two craft almost reached a similar altitude, Fravor decided to cut across his corkscrew path and fly directly at the object. He was almost eye to eye with the shiny white object, when the Tic Tac turned and literally vanished at an extraordinary speed.

Minutes later, the radar operator notified Fravor and Dietrich that within a minute, the UAP had reappeared on radar some 60 miles away. Even odder was the fact that the object had shown up at the prearranged rally point, a location even the pilots had not been advised of.
When the two pilots returned to the Nimitz, the usually unflappable Commander Fravor admitted that he was “weirded out” by the experience. He related his story to another pilot. This time, the Hornet was equipped with various cameras and this time, he caught the image on video. It was one of the three videos released by the government, its authenticity confirmed and its explanation as… “unexplainable”
Since 2017, both Fravor and Dietrich have retired and have told their stories to various media sources. The two best and most detailed interviews by Fravor were with podcasters Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman. The interviews are extremely specific, and the long version of the Friedman interview exceeds three hours. (Below, I’ve included the shorter version that deals more specifically with the Tic Tac encounter) But after listening to Commander Fravor, it’s hard to dismiss him as a hoaxster. He’s definitely not the type to hide an alien in his freezer.
Here are links to the two podcasts:
NOTE: This part of the story occurred while Tonya and I were still married. Though we are no longer together, it’s too good a story to pretend it never happened. I hope Zephyr readers, and Tonya, don’t mind me recounting one of my favorite trips with her…JS
In June 2021, Tonya and I decided to make a trip to New Mexico, with the expressed purpose of buying a little piece of land. My san Juan County property is a 14 hour drive and one that the two of us were rarely able to visit together. But New Mexico is half the distance and we had a couple locations in mind. If we could find some vacant land at a reasonable price, it would also be property that both of us had discovered together.
We stopped briefly in Tucumcari, a favorite ‘almost abandoned’ remnant of the old Route 66, then headed south on backroads. It takes longer for sure but we were able to find a route that wasn’t even rated as a state road. There’s a high point on that county road, about 20 miles east of Ft Sumner, where an array of microwave towers are located. It often makes a good place to pull over to “relieve ourselves.” As I was gazing at the towers I noticed something floating above it. It wasn’t tethered to anything, but in 20 minutes it never moved. I assumed it was a weather balloon, but it was fairly windy and the object never moved an inch. I took a photo of it and zoomed in as much as possible…

Still, I didn’t give the white object much thought. We spent a few days in that part of the state and were at the point of giving up, when we found some property south of Corona. We stopped at the visitor center to get a feel for the area and noticed a book for sale called “Incident at Corona.” It referred to a UFO crash and I said to the clerk, “I didn’t know there was a UFO crash here. I’m only aware of the Roswell crash.” The women bristled a bit, albeit not in a mean way and replied, “That crash happened 70 miles from Roswell, but they get all the recognition. That saucer came down much closer to Corona.” I immediately bought the book.
New Mexico has always been considered a “UFO HotSpot.” We passed through Socorro and searched for the location of the Lonnie Zamora encounter. Before we found the actual site, we discovered a memorial of sorts to Deputy Zamora. In 2012, some city councilmen commissioned a local artist named Erika Burleigh to paint a mural on a spillway, not far from the actual site, to honor Zamora’s alleged UFO encounter. It was said that Zamora himself grew so weary of the event that he quit talking to anyone about the egg-shaped craft and went to work running a gas station.
To memorialize Zamora’s close encounter on a spillway struck us as a bit odd, but we stopped and took pictures anyway. It was well-done for sure, but not in what anyone might call a prominent location. I had studied his April 24, 1964 experience enough, including some maps that had been drawn years ago, to mark the precise spot, that it was easy to find the turnoff where Zamora abandoned his car chase to investigate the flying object.

The area on the main road had changed considerably since 1964 and several homes and buildings now lined the first part of the side road. But within a half mile, the pavement and development ended and the desert looked almost exactly as it had over half a century ago. We spotted the arroyo that matched earlier photographs, so we got out of the car to take a closer look. There were no signs, no official markers to identify the site. But near the western side of the arroyo, someone decades ago had built a mound of rocks. We were sure that at one time, probably not long after the incident, someone built this pile of stones to identify the landing site.
Eventually, we found a piece of land and made an offer. The owners accepted and we made plans to return in September. It was fairly barren and part of the area had been chained decades ago, but it offered a great vista view and we could even hear the trains running north from El Paso, though we were more than twenty miles away.
In September, we did return and spent much of the day looking for the perfect spot to build a tiny cabin…someplace that was concealed from the gravel road by the juniper trees but still offered a view to the south. We stayed past sunset and the afterglow was incredible. Floating in the western sky was a new moon, and just to the south of it, the planet Venus. We could see the rays of light in the blood red sky, long after the sun had set. I took a few photographs, reluctant to leave. We both climbed into our car and I was about to push the start button when I looked up one last time at the western sky and stopped. Something was different.

Just seconds before, we could see the Moon and Venus. Now another light appeared, brighter than Venus. Then another, then another, then another. They didn’t move and it was still light enough that had there been military flares, we would have been able to see the military aircraft that were releasing them. “What the hell is that?” we both said. Some might still argue they were flares, but then something else happened.
We stared at these brilliant star-like lights for 15 or 20 seconds. But then, the light at the far left began to expand; instead of looking like a star, it grew to the size of the sun. I’ve searched for the best way to describe it, and as close as I could come was to imagine the sun right just before it set, but on a very smoky or hazy day, when you can look right at the sun and see its shape without being blinded by it. That’s what happened.
The orange-red disk stayed like that for a few seconds. Then as quickly as it appeared, it faded away. The other lights disappeared to nothing as well. “What in the hell? What in the hell!?!” We talked about our experience all the way back to town and our motel. I still can’t think of a logical explanation.
It all happend so quickly and we were both so mesmerized by the sight of it, that neither of us even thought to grab our phones or cameras and take a picture. But when we got home, and I was working on my Art Bell story, Tonya was able to recreate the scene via PhotoShop based on photos I had taken of that very same western sky literally a minute earlier. They are very accurate representations of what we experienced.

Last summer (2022) I went back again, alone this time, and spent a couple nights on the property, but alas…no bright lights. No dimmed suns. But I am determined to get back there soon, set up camp, and wait for them to return. I may have to create another rock-made duplicate of the design Lonnie Zamora saw in 1964, so they’ll know I’m friendly.

I still have high hopes that someday, sooner or later, Klatu and Company will come and get me. I just hope he leaves Gort at home.
Jim Stiles is the publisher and editor of The Zephyr. He is still “Hopelessly Clinging to the Past Since 1989” and “Hopelessly Waiting to be Abducted for Most of His Life.”

And I encourage you to “like” & “share” individual posts.
Why they can’t just leave the site alone is beyond me,
but that’s what Facebook likes to do.
ALSO NOTE: I post old photographs and stories from our 25 year old archives every day. Pictures from Herb Ringer, Edna Fridley, Charles Kreischer.. even a few old photos from my Dad. So if you want to stay caught up on our historic photo collections,
be sure to “follow” us on Facebook…Thanks…Jim

NOTE: The summer issue of RANGE includes a tribute to lifelong Moabite Karl Tangren.

And check out this post about Mazza & our friend Ali Sabbah,
and the greatest of culinary honors:

Adios Amigo…
More than six years ago, The Zephyr, me & four other individuals were sued for defamation by the former Moab City Manager. Faced with mounting legal bills, my dear friends John and Isabel De Puy donated one of John’s paintings to be auctioned.
ALL the proceeds went to our defense.
Thanks to them, our bills were almost completely covered.
Now I’d like to return the favor. Check out the link below and their online shop… JS

Mighty interesting publication! With all the “click heres” it took some time to read it completely. Some years ago in Nelson, NV the Las Vegas Sun Scene, no longer published, interviewed 2 miners . One claimed he’s been taken on a trip in a strange ship. The other claimed knowledge there WERE indeed UFOs out there. Now both of these gentlemen were know to hoist a few and Nelsonites just shook their heads and “considered” the source. One was named Jcl Jackstis (now deceased0. Oh, and checking in my book, it was the Review Journal magazine section, the NEVADAN, and the article was entitled “UFOs–Is something UP There, Down There in Nevada” and dated Dec. 24, 1989. Pictures were included. writen by one M. F. Whalen. It was Harry Clark of Nelson who thought he’s been blindfolded and taken for a ride!
Jack Jackstis
Great article! But now, people around where I live (Santa Fe) posted on various local social-media sites that they had seen strings of lights in the night sky a few weeks ago, but they were attributed to Elon Musk’s launch of another group of StarLink satellites. However, I can’t dismiss the possibility that we are NOT alone in this huge Universe. Maybe you’ll see something if you go back to your cabin near El Paso sometime. If you do, I hope to see a story about it written in your inimitable style that is so engrossing! (If you can hear trains going north out of El Paso at your cabin, it must be in the southeast part of the State, maybe around the Permian Basin.)
Hello! It definitely wasn’t a string of Musk’s Starlinks. I’ve seen them myself and quite a sight to behold. But they move rapidly across the sky scape. These lights were stationary. But it was that expanding light, the one that transformed itself from a bright star to a rather opaque smokey sun, that really baffled us. Thanks for your comments.
Jim, your article on UFO is remarkable and I love your writing style. Come by some day when you and I can talk and I will probably dare to tell you my story. When it happened many years ago and when I told it to a trusted adult I was scoffed at. As a result only my family and a man and wife whom I also trust have heard the story or been to the spot where is happened. I was a teenager at the time and I felt somewhat like Joseph Smith when his ministers and former friends ridiculed him for saying that he was visited by God and his Son, Jesus.
Jim, your article on UFOs is remarkable and I love your writing style. Come by some day when you and I can talk and I will probably dare to tell you my story. When it happened many years ago and when I told it to a trusted adult I was scoffed at. As a result only my family and a man and wife whom I also trust have heard the story or been to the spot where is happened. I was a teenager at the time and I felt somewhat like Joseph Smith when his ministers and former friends ridiculed him for saying that he was visited by God and his Son, Jesus.
Hi Kay. I would love to hear that story. I really miss you and Patsy. I’m sort of home bound these days. My oldest cat requires hyperthyroid meds twice a day. And nobody here who can do it for me. I have to pop it down his throat and he would never let anybody else do that. My vet said even missing his meds for a few days could have dire results. So I’m sort of like a feline nurse who lives with his patient. Anyway I’ll call you soon. Really want to hear that story!
The second time I saw the “Fry Springs UFO” over Charlottesville VA in ’77, my first thought was “I don’t wanna go! Don’t take me!” Unidentified? Yes. Flying? Apparently! Object? Musta been…there were no official reports that night but years later a fraternity brother at a party heard people talking about the same thing I had told him I had seen. So I wasn’t the only one and I saw the thing on two occasions. Looked like the object that Mulder saw on the X-Files pilot show. I’ve long hoped it would come back, but still, I don’t wanna go!
6 stars (out of 5). the sort of comprehensive, interesting, well-researched, and, yes, ‘gripping’ article i’ll continue to $ub$cribe to the zeph. for.
your (and tonya’s) somewhat stationary lights: it’s been a few years, but twice within a span of a few months we witnessed similar — from our house at the SE edge of Grand Junkshun (colorawdough). each time there were 5 orange spheres, not exactly in a row but close to each other — hovering, seeming to be moving toward us — first time we (gu)estimated the glowing spheres were over the Grand Mesa (east of us) and the 2nd time (New Year’s Eve (NO: we hadn’t been inbibing, yet)) were over Montrose/Delta. Each time the phenomenon slowly, gradually dimmed and disappeared. We looked up suggestions/theories on the interweb, and one in particular gave us a chuckle: something like “chinese lanterns with lit candles inside”. Yeah, right …
Thanks Roscoe. I wish I’d been able to get real photos. Like I mentioned we had been outside the car photographing the post-sunset sky just a minute or less earlier. But I can see why many witnesses don’t get photos. I was so mesmerized by the sight, I didn’t want to take my eyes off them.
Re UFOs: I’m hoping the Scifi writers are right and in spite of our clumsy knowledge of physics and quantum theory there will in fact prove to be a passage through the time/space continuum???
Re the damn GC dam: In my case with age comes an erosion…these days I tell people I’m done, meaning I only have so may fucks left to give about the socail/political stuff that used to inflame me…but then the the local Wayne Co, rag just put forth an announcement that the BLM is soliciting comments about their planned “recovery efforts” for former sage lands, now getting encroached on by that nasty Pinyon/Juniper forest. Code talk for going chaining again. They even attempt to justify it as an effort to improve habitat for the sage grouse.
This is a lucid and entertaining read. Thank you.
One theory out there about the persistent sightings in southeastern New Mexico relates UFO sightings to the missile tests at White Sands, but the American southwest certainly has a UFO mystique that reaches far beyond Soccoro of Roswell.
As I have said before, my dad described a number of sightings of what appeared to be strange triangular craft hovering near the ground in the La Sal area southeast of Moab, and he was neither a madman nor a drinker!
My most striking personal encounter was during an evening youth activity (circa 1978) near Brown’s Hole. A little after dusk a group of us were gazing eastward towards Mt. Tukuhnikivatz and there appeared to be car lights coming down the side of the mountain. The problem was the lights were not zig-zagging slowly down the mountainside as you would expect, but they were travelling both straight up and down the mountainside far too quickly to be any kind of known vehicle. I and my companions observed this for quite a while, and because it was a church group, we were all sober at the time.
Yes, there are possible natural explanations for such things–what they would be in this case, I have no idea–but we cannot dismiss out of hand that many of these sightings are of things created by hands on other worlds.
Still, when I gaze at the nebula in Orion’s belt in winter or the Milky Way on a midsummer’s night, I am filled with an eerie sense of wonder, even a longing to connect with someone or something from “out there.”
Hey Jim!
The silver sphere you saw…. I saw the same thing, but teo of them slightly off set traveling up the Dolores River Valley in late June 2007. They were a bit above the north canyon rim traveling up river in a straight steady pace I’d estimate at ~30 mph. They looked like burnished steal and reflected the late setting sun. No noise or lights. I submitted a report to mufon and someone called me asking if I was near a military base, as these reports seem to be associated with bases, but I’m not really. I recently looked for my mugon report on their website, but couldn’t find it.