Author: stiles

The June/July Issue of the Zephyr!

In This Issue… Take it or Leave it: ‘New West Blues’ Revisited, 30 Years Later… by Jim Stiles Yes, Some People are Still Smoking. Could We Just Leave Them Alone? …by Tonya Audyn Stiles July 4, 1961: Murder & the…

Discovery …by Harvey Leake

A steep section of the Rainbow Bridge trail that the Townsends called The Limit

The Indians found it long before the white men came.—John Wetherill, commenting on the discovery of Rainbow Natural Bridge “The discovery of a natural bridge surpassing in size anything heretofore found is the news brought to this city this morning…

As Things Stand Now …by Damon Falke

Tore's new tripod. Photo by Damon Falke

—for TS— T.S. Eliot wrote in The Waste Land, “April is the cruelest month,” and in the poem, “Home-Thoughts, from Abroad,” Robert Browning penned, “Oh, to be in England/Now that April’s there.” I don’t know that I find April crueler…