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Joshua Tree or bust (solar chronicles vol. 324)

Here’s one to ponder for all True Blue Greens: Would you risk getting your ass beat to stop a solar power plant?

Perhaps the question is phrased crudely. So what? You’re going to be hearing a lot about industrial solar farms in upcoming months/years, so let’s dive in now and have some fun. Like the cute Girl Scouts said, “Be prepared.” Or was that Alfred E. Neuman?

You might’ve missed the High Country News piece on Jim Harvey and his zeal for the Mojave Desert. He’s a man who doesn’t mince words, nor should he. Jim knows something “bogus” when he sees it. “These big solar companies,” Harvey concludes, “they’re no different from big oil or coal.”

Yup – ole Jim took a hard look at the industrialization of America’s bogus renewable energy plans and decided to follow Ed Abbey’s admonition that “A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” So, in the spirit of Don Quixote, he formed the National Alliance for Sensible Energy Policy.

Perhaps the coolest thing about Harvey, besides his 20/20 vision, is his attitude towards mainstream enviro-groups willing to compromise desert habitat for the renewable energy de jour.

He calls them “envirocrats”.


posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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