Interesting op-ed in today’s BBC online edition by Jean-Christophe Vie, deputy head of the IUCN Species Programme, and author of the book Le Jour ou L’Abeille Disparaitra.
And ole Jean-Christophe asks a fine question, one that readers of the Zephyr have heard all too often (?) – “In 2050 the human population will stand at more than nine billion, with an increased demand for goods, so what does sustainable development really mean?” Indeed! The elusive “sustainability” question dangles like a kudzu vine in the Neo-Green jungles of modern (read: urban) American rhetoric.
OK – bottom line time: anthropocentrism remains the central line of reasoning in today’s arena of environmental discourse. All things continue to be measured against the intricacies of Homo erectus asphaltus‘ toe-jam culture. A culture that appears to know no bounds. Without realizing it, our species is now relegated to being a zoo animal, kept in ever-increasing numbers behind a facade of technological wizardry, razzle-dazzle entertainment, and industrial agriculture.
Arguments for sustainability that don’t begin from a biocentric perspective must, by definition, end up on the cutting room floor of biological reality.
Or, as Aldo Leopold might tell us: “If the biota, in the course of aeons, has built something we like but do not understand, then who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts? To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.”
Have fun out yonder in the Blogosphere. And don’t forget to be sustainable!
posted by Mudd
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