Adding insult to injury in the evolving The Great Desert Solar Farms War, the New York Times reports, “Here is an inconvenient truth about renewable energy: It can sometimes demand a huge amount of water. Many of the proposed solutions to the nation’s energy problems, from certain types of solar farms to biofuel refineries to cleaner coal plants, could consume billions of gallons of water every year.”
Of course, Ground Zero for the eco-struggle over industrial solar farms is taking shape in America’s vast desert Southwest, where water is anything but a free flowing commodity.
But hey – Los Angeles needs more power to boot up those 50 inch plasma screens, hot tubs, video games, cell phones, backyard grills, and a plethora of electric vibrators lurking in millions of bedside tables, spread-eagled across the lovely Valley.
What would Hayduke do?
posted by Mudd
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