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off to Sea the wizard

Holy Neptune! Jumping on the green bandwagon like a beached whale, the boating industry has come up with a dazzling “24-foot Endeavour Green Electric Hybrid.” The damn thing runs like a barracuda on “an electric charge that costs only 11 cents and generates no emissions, kicking into a small diesel generator only if the boat’s eight batteries are depleted.”

At least that’s what the Christian Science Monitor reports in their Environment section (Oct 14, 2009)

Not to be outdone, the 25-foot Frauscher hybrid is a speedy $155,000 Austrian-built pleasure boat [combining] an electric engine with a 256 horsepower Steyr diesel motor to allow for emissions-free harbor cruising or high-octane speeding across open water.

How green can you get? Aqua marine, that is. And all you need is an extra $155,000 to seal the deal.

Hoist the Jolly Neo-Green flag – we’re off to sea the wizard!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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