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Wildlands Network

Attention Neo-Greens! This just in from the Wildlands Network – “….. there is an alarming trend that’s been developing particularly since Obama took office, and Congress began tackling the climate issue. Simply put, the solution strategies on the table make it easy to forget that ‘environment’ means more than ‘carbon counting’ and ‘green energy/technology.'”

Touché! How about another fun blip? “It’s just that the public is being led down an erroneous path, perhaps by design, perhaps not, toward believing that if we can just reduce that pesky carbon thing, everything will be fine.”

Perhaps a voice crying in the proverbial wilderness (literally) – but these folks don’t speak with forked tongue. Descended from such luminaries as Bill Devall and Michael Soulé, the Wildlands Network is worthy of a lent ear.

all quotes from Wildlands Network’s newsletter (Wildlands Connections, Fall 2009)

posted by Mudd
New Mexico

Posted in Uncategorized.

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