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pass the Snickers

As reported by the New York Times“The Obama administration will begin a drive this week to expel Pepsi, French fries and Snickers bars from the nation’s schools in hopes of reducing the number of children who get fat during their school years.”

Expel? Nice pun. But other implications lurk therein. Even candy needs a good wrapper…. “In legislation, soon to be introduced, candy and sugary beverages would be banned and many schools would be required to offer more nutritious fare.”

Of course, the potential for new forms of banditry are obvious: The Snickers Kid; The King of Pop; The Pope of Pepsi. Innumerable variations of down-home outlaw behavior lie just beneath the surface as soon as our benevolent government sanitizes our kid’s vending machines. Black market Goo-Goo Clusters anyone?

Yes, junk food is the bane of modern civilization. Yes, obesity is the scourge of American society. Yes, kids should eat nutritious square meals, sans chemicals and assorted carcinogens. The question is: How do we get kids to go there on their own?

Outlawing popular substances never amounted to anything but pouring money down a pork snout. Kids know this on some level. (They all watch YouTube). The minute Pepsi is illegal, kids will become outlaws.

Big Brother is watching…..

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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