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the Hummer goes green!

Just in case you were wondering, the Hummer is now classified as a “green vehicle” and ready for your loving touch. At least in the Land of the Rising Sun.

“Japanese drivers spooked by the recent Toyota and Prius recalls might consider another vehicle certified as “ecologically friendly” under Japan’s expanded cash-for-clunkers program: the Hummer H3.” So says CNBC.

chuckle up!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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  1. Freefarmer said

    Just purchased a [ literal ] green H3. Gotta hell of a deal on it.
    And its like being married to porn star so far. Gotta love it. And if it pisses off liberals, eco-facists, democrats, greeners and assorted members of the urban elite? Bonus. I plan on stocking it with various guns, rifles and large visious hounddogs. The H3 ought to work good on the farm and transporting organic fruit to the farmersmarket. Cheney-Palin in 2012. Thanks.

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