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Monumental monuments

This in from the lovely New York Times“A new monument fight erupted this week when Representative Rob Bishop, Republican of Utah, said he had uncovered a ‘secret’ Interior Department memorandum suggesting that the federal government was considering national monument designation for 14 huge blocks of land in nine states from Montana to New Mexico.”

Some of America’s finest places are National Monuments. Why not a few more to round things out? After all, most of the fruited plains have been trashed, sea to shining sea. Etc. Smart money says you preserve a few big hunks of intact wildlands on general principle. It helps that the tax-paying public already owns the lands in question anyway. Reckon they can decide what to do with their own property.

Once the whining is over, cooler heads will prevail. Maybe.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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