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yer guvment luvs U

Breaking “news” – Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government’s become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.

This is the government that’s going to “save the planet”?

pass the Preparation H.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

7 Responses

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  1. Brilanon: if we get rid of material scarcity but don’t have rampant AI’s yet, then it would seem that attention (from minds) will become the new currency.Once attention becomes cheap too (due to mass production of minds and consequent cheap construction of incjrsubeettive realities), then — most likely — for most minds, everything becomes a game …

  2. That's fascinating.Since China and India are at each other's throats, fighting for dominance of the region, would that be what tips the balance in favour of China?Or is India better at getting the best out of the highly intelligent people it does have? I can't see the Chinese authorities being too happy if lots of educated, intelligent people start getting notions.

  3. No saps com t\\’agraeixo, Jaume , els resums que ens envies.No sé si a tothom li passa igual, però a mi m\\’és difícil seguir el fil de la conferència mentre prenc apunts.El curs és magnífic. En les tres sessions que portem, he descobert i aprofundit aspectes del fenòmen profètic interessantíssims, desconeguts per a mi i tan aplicables als moments actuals.Moltíssimes gràcies!Rosa Maria Oliu

  4. Je ne comprends pas, il n’y a pas de liberté d’expression « américanisée ».Il y a la liberté d’expression ou il n’y en a pas, c’est binaire.Chez nous il n’y a donc pas la liberté d’expression, point à la ligne.Attention je ne défends pas les racistes ou les fous qui disent des horreurs, je les combats. Mais je pense que c’est une erreur de supprimer la liberté d’expression à cause de ces gens là, il faut les laisser s’exprimer et détruire leurs arguments un par un.Cordialement,

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