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the perfect storm – water?

The BBC News reports that a new study finds an interesting trend in water usage amongst the “developed” nations. “The amount of water used to produce food and goods imported by developed countries is worsening water shortages in the developing world, a report says.”

One White Lab Coat guy suggests that the West is helping to create the “perfect storm,” whereby “developing” nations are looking at a bleak future due to water shortages.

“Forecasts suggest that when the world’s population soars beyond 8bn in 20 years time, the global demand for food and energy will jump by 50%, with the need for fresh water rising by 30%.”

The problem appears to come from what is called “embedded” water. This is the aqua used to make goods (such as T-shirts and beer) that is hidden from the consumer.

“Ten times as much is embedded in the British-made goods bought by the average UK consumer; but that represents only about one-third of the total water embedded in all the average consumer’s food and goods, with the remainder coming from imports.”

The same holds true for other highly industrial consumer nations.

As usual, many urge for immediate water conservation, which comes with its own merits. But, as most anthropologists understand, primates rarely conserve for the hell of it, which includes ethical considerations. Other wonks suggest that nations high on the food chain should consider banning the import of certain items in order to assist developing countries meet basic caloric needs.

Consider this – Starbucks having to grow its own coffee beans in Mississippi.
Fat chance.

The saga continues, with scant mention of the magic formula – IPAT.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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