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57 channels and nothin’ on

As reported by the erudite BBC NewsThe more TV a toddler watches, the higher the likelihood they will do badly at school and have poor health at the age of 10, researchers warn.

How shocking! It took the White Lab Coat guys all these decades to figure out that the idiot box is, indeed, an idiot box?

Welcome to the Dimformation Age!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

4 Responses

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  1. Hola , quiero saber el precio del modelo 3410 de 3 ambientes , cuanto es el anticipo y de que valor son las cuotas y el precio del flete viene incluido? mas me ineiresarta saber si se puede agregar puertas corrediza tipo mamparas . Muchas gracias, Sra Mirta. Zona sur Longchamps.

  2. Tip top stuff. I’ll expect more now.

  3. Ai 2 variante: conventionala sau cu functionare in condensatie, ambele cu tiraj fortat. Cea conventionala e mai ieftina dar consuma mai mult iar cea in condensatie e mai scumpa dar consuma mai putin. La 70m2 daca iti iei centrala in condensatie in vreo 3-4 ani iti scoti banii pe care ii dai in plus. Recomandarea mea e Buderus sau Viessmann

  4. I understand where you are coming from in your conclusion. Just because they want to see it again doesn’t mean it’s working. But in children, aged of 4-6 years, they need to be engaged in order to retain information, so enthusiasm is a great sign in my book. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this curriculum!

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