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I’ll take the Rat-atouille

Good news for carnivores. Along comes a fine rebuttal against the relentless noise from the “Save the planet – go vegan!” crowd, thanks to The BBC News

“Brown rats are among the most invasive mammals in Europe, according to a wide-ranging assessment. Swiss researchers found that the creatures, along with sika deer and muskrats, were having the greatest ecological and economic impact.”

What better reason than to add a touch of animal protein to the diet? Rat casserole, anyone? How about a wee bit of Muskrat pâté?

“According to the EU ‘s database of alien species, sika deer are described ‘a serious forest pest, causing significant damage to broadleaved and conifer plantations’.”

Sika soup?

The permutations are endless, at least for those lucky enough to live in lovely Europe. Closer to home, might we see Nutria niblets? Kudzu flambé?

Table for two!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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