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(from the NYTimes) ‘FUEL TO BURN: WHAT NEXT?’

Zephyr Note:  You’ll have to look hard in this NYTimes article for any mention of climate change or the impacts of expanded fossil fuel production. Clearly these guys aren’t particularly swayed by the science of global warming…JS


AN EXCERPT:   THE reversal of fortune in America’s energy supplies in recent years holds the promise of abundant and cheaper fuel, and it could have profound effects on what people drive, domestic manufacturing and America’s foreign policy. ..Cheaper fuel produced domestically could reduce the cost of shipping and manufacturing, trim heating and cooling bills, improve the auto market and provide tens of thousands of new jobs…It might also pose new environmental challenges, both predictable and unforeseen, by damping enthusiasm for clean forms of energy and derailing efforts to wean the nation from its wasteful energy habits.

But for Americans battered by rising gasoline prices, frustrated by the dependence on foreign oil, skeptical of the benefits or practicality of renewable fuels and afraid of nuclear power, the appeal of plentiful domestic oil and gas could far outweigh the costs.


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