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  1. (From YouTube) “MY WATER’S ON FIRE TONIGHT (The Fracking Song) September 29, 2012

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  2. Coming Oct 1…Here’s the next Zephyr Table of Contents September 26, 2012

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  3. 52 years ago today: THE FIRST JFK-NIXON DEBATE… September 26, 1960 September 25, 2012

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  4. The Next Zephyr…coming October 1 September 23, 2012

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  5. (from NYTimes) ‘Power, Pollution and the Internet’ September 23, 2012

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  6. CURTIS WHITE on Environmentalism and the larger problem September 21, 2012

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  7. (from LATimes) ‘Urban land expansion now at fastest rate ever’ September 20, 2012

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  8. (from NPR) ‘ACLU Pushes For Answers On Drone Strikes’ September 19, 2012

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  9. (from the 2006 archives) ‘HERE COMES ’24’ AGAIN’ —-Stiles September 17, 2012

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  10. CRAIG CHILDS coming to BACK OF BEYOND BOOKS in MOAB… September 16, 2012

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  11. (from NavajoTimes) ‘Shelly threatens to pull support from Escalade’ September 16, 2012

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  12. (from Basin&Range Watch) ‘Hidden Hills Solar Energy Project & 3277 Acres of Proposed Destruction’ September 15, 2012

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  13. ELECTION TRIVIA: When was the last time THREE consecutive presidents EACH won two terms? September 11, 2012

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  14. (from ‘Growth Is the Problem’ —Chris Hedges September 10, 2012

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  15. (from the NYTimes) ‘The Slaughter of Elephants in Vietnam Is Nearly Complete’ September 7, 2012

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  16. (from USAToday) ‘Dorms tranformed: Designers are earning extra credit’ September 5, 2012

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  17. (from ‘Private Manned Mars Mission Gets First Sponsors’ September 4, 2012

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  18. JOHN FAYHEE coming to Zephyr Country to read from his TWO NEW BOOKS September 3, 2012

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  19. (from Basin&RangeWatch) ‘Ocotillo Express Wind Energy Facility Summer Construction and Violations’ September 2, 2012

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  20. Venture Capitalist/Environmentalist DAVID BONDERMAN says MITT ROMNEY has failed to defend private equity. September 1, 2012

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