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(from NPR) ‘ACLU Pushes For Answers On Drone Strikes’

AN EXCERPT:   Drone strikes ordered by the Obama administration have killed more than a dozen al-Qaida leaders around the world, in places ranging from Afghanistan to Somalia. In speeches and public appearances, U.S. officials say those attacks are legal and essential to protect the nation’s security.

But when civil liberties groups asked for more information about targeted killing, the CIA told them it’s a secret.

On Thursday, they’ll square off in front of a federal appeals court in Washington.

Jameel Jaffer of the American Civil Liberties Union calls the targeted killing strategy “the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies.” But when Jaffer asked the CIA some questions about its use of drones two years ago, the agency said it could neither confirm nor deny it had any relevant information.


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