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  1. (from the 2008 archives) ‘IN MEMORIAM: DEWEY BRIDGE’ —Stiles December 31, 2012

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  2. (DenverPost) “Sand Creek Massacre descendants seek justice 148 years later” December 30, 2012

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  3. Poking Through the Ruins #4… ‘When Chevys Had Wings’ December 27, 2012

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  4. (THE ROAD to GLEN CANYON) Utah Highway 95 in WHITE CANYON… 1971 & 2001 December 27, 2012

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  5. from Herb…Downtown Reno..Christmas 1941 December 26, 2012

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  6. HERB RINGER’S WEST…New Mexico. 1950 December 25, 2012

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  7. “Remembering the Glen Meade Road Gang” (before the invention of ‘nature-deficit disorder’) December 24, 2012

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  8. THE ‘TREE MAN’ of THORNLIE, AUSTRALIA December 24, 2012

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  9. THE ROAD to GLEN CANYON #2…The Old Comb Ridge Dugway. 1975 December 23, 2012

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  10. (BBC) ‘Coal to equal oil as world’s top energy source within 10 years’ December 23, 2012

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  11. THE TWIT PAGE!!! #1 Lincoln v Palin & the Gettysburg Address December 23, 2012

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  12. (YouTube) ‘”hawk circle” will ackerman and george winston’ December 22, 2012

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  13. ‘ABBEY RETURNS to ARCHES’…the cartoon. 1982 by Stiles December 21, 2012

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  14. Along Utah Highway 128. (1979 & 2012) December 21, 2012

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  15. HERB RINGER at the Grand Canyon #1 (from 1952) December 20, 2012

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  16. Jimmie Carter’s speech (“Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns.”) July 15, 1979 December 20, 2012

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  17. (ZArchives) ‘THE WILDER WEST’ by Dave Wilder December 18, 2012

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  18. HERB RINGER’S WEST…Chico, California. 1946 & Mt Rose summit 1952 December 18, 2012

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  19. (from BBC) ‘Jose Mujica: The world’s ‘poorest’ president’ December 17, 2012

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  20. (from YouTube) “WORKIN’ FARMER STYLE’ December 17, 2012

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  21. HERB RINGER’S WEST…Southern California. 1950. December 17, 2012

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  22. Slow Day at DELICATE ARCH…1999 (Stiles) December 17, 2012

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  23. (ZArchives) ‘INSTANT MOAB’ Terry Knouff December 17, 2012

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  24. TWO VIEWS from ABOVE—TARANTULA MESA. 1993 December 16, 2012

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  25. (from SpiegelOnline) ‘ Dreams in Infrared: The Woes of an American Drone Operator’ December 16, 2012

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