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‘THEN & NOW’ The Road to Glen Canyon by Charlie Kreischer

Just the other day, I published a brilliant image of ‘The Road to Glen Canyon’ by Charlie Kreischer. It showed his classic orange Rambler descending the last few miles to White Canyon and the ferry at Hite. The photograph was taken in 1959.  Almost 50 years later I was able to find the exact location from which Charlie took his photo.


Above is Charlie Kreischer’s original image again.  And below, the same spot, from 2007.  The view is looking toward the west and the lake. You can see the blue water of the reservoir almost dead ahead. Much of the original road has been abandoned but a part of it in the distance is still used as Lake Powell access to Farley Canyon. In the foreground, even the broken shelf of sandstone seems to have changed little in half a century…But the ferry is gone and Hite is gone and the old dirt road…Glen Canyon is gone (for the time being). But as Abbey said, “Glen Canyon’s not really gone;  it’s just in liquid storage.’

And he’s right.


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