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  1. (USNews) ‘U.S. Population 2013: More Than 315 Million People’ March 24, 2013

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  2. HERB RINGER REMEMBERS THE CAMERON TRADING POST —from the 1940s & 50s March 24, 2013

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  3. 82 DAYS…ROBERT KENNEDY’S 1968 CAMPAIGN…March 18 March 23, 2013

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  4. S C A R S : ‘The View from Above’—Gateway Home of Billionaire John Hendricks March 21, 2013

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  5. WATERFALLS ALONG THE RIVER ROAD…1993 March 21, 2013

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  6. (Hopefully) COMING APRIL 1. THE APRIL/MAY ISSUE OF THE ZEPHYR March 20, 2013

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  7. (from the NYT) Mapping the 2010 U.S. Census by County March 17, 2013

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  8. ED ABBEY…MARCH 14, 1989 March 14, 2013

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  9. (from YouTube) ‘Henri’ March 13, 2013

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  10. (from the Zephyr Archives, 2008) “REALITY CLOSES IN: Waiting for ‘Progressive’ Capitulation” —Doug Meyer March 12, 2013

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  11. (YouTube) ‘THE CANDIDATE’ …in the limo. March 10, 2013

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  12. Moab Flashbacks: URANIUM DAYS…1950s March 8, 2013

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  13. (from Salon) ‘Extremism normalized: How Americans are efficiently trained to acquiesce to ideas once deemed so radical as to be unthinkable’ –Glenn Greenwald March 6, 2013

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  14. THE ALAMO FELL 177 YEARS AGO TODAY…MARCH 6, 1836 March 6, 2013

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  16. ‘THE WALKING JUNIPER’ –Arches NP, 1985 March 3, 2013

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  17. Jesse Jackson’s 1988 ‘PATCHWORK QUILT’ Speech March 3, 2013

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  18. Moab Flashbacks #3: Broiler to Rumours to Star to…Burger King March 1, 2013

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  19. From ‘PORTLANDIA’ —–“GET THE GEAR!!!” March 1, 2013

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