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  1. (Climate Connections) Power shift away from green illusions July 31, 2013

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  2. (April/May 2013) Global Warming: Maybe Denial is Working for Betty and Lou, but it Isn’t for Their Teenagers…by Scott Thompson July 30, 2013

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  3. Did a Land Swap Bill Praised by Enviros Boost SITLA’s Utah Tar Sands Potential?? July 29, 2013

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  4. (April/May 2013) What Did Moab Want, Plus a 1990 Interview with Tom Shellenberger, Moab Economic Development Coordinator…by Jim Stiles July 27, 2013

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  5. HERB RINGER…with his Winchester Rifle. 1942 (Image of the Day) July 27, 2013

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  6. (TreeHugger) ‘Ethical Consumer Asks: Who Makes Ethical Outdoor Gear?’ July 26, 2013

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  7. (from 2006) ‘AN INTERVIEW with the GREAT JOHN DE PUY’ —Stiles July 25, 2013

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  8. (April/May 2013) Georgie Clark: Woman of the River…by Anne Snowden Crosman July 25, 2013

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  9. (April/May 2013) Sowing Clover: Digging Out from Global Warming…by Tonya Stiles July 24, 2013

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  10. (YouTube) Robert F. Kennedy challenges Gross Domestic Product July 23, 2013

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  11. SWALLOWS at MULE CREEK (photo of the day) July 16, 2013

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  12. (from the 2006 archives) “BEST FRIENDS & ‘Hope for us all.'” —Lisa Braddock July 15, 2013

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  13. (from National Lampoon 1972) ‘DETERIORATA’ (You are a fluke of the Universe) July 15, 2013

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  14. Herb Ringer: “Oh…It’s from King Tut’s tomb.” (from the Zephyr archives) July 14, 2013

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  15. Poking Through the Ruins #11— “WE FIX EVERYTHING—FROM DAYBREAK to HEARTBREAK” July 13, 2013

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  16. (from the archives) ‘ARCHES STORIES— from Denis Julien to the Arch Hunters’ July 13, 2013

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  17. ABBEY UNVARNISHED…on ‘moral courage.’ July 12, 2013

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  18. ‘IT’S TIME (AGAIN!) FOR M.A.H.B.U: Mormons & Heathens for a Better Utah’ –Jim Stiles (from the 2004 archives) July 12, 2013

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  19. GETTING HIGH WITHOUT GURUS… By Jim Stiles July 11, 2013

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  20. (The Zephyr’s favorite Westerns) This time: “THE MISFITS” July 10, 2013

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  22. Moab Flashbacks #16: Before the MIC & McStiff’s…Center & Main Sts, 1988 July 9, 2013

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  23. (from the 2009 archives) ‘THE CLIMATE CHANGE TEST’ —Stiles July 9, 2013

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  24. ‘JAMES WATT MEMORIAL the CARTOON’ from 1982 by Stiles July 6, 2013

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  25. ‘PLANET EARTH: Views from Space’ (from YouTube) July 6, 2013

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