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(August/September 2013) A Close Encounter in a Ghost Town: Herb Ringer in Ludwig, Nevada…1942

An excerpt: “One morning I took off from Reno to explore an old ghost town called Ludwig, near Yerington. While hunting through an old station, I heard a car motor wheezing over the rough steep hill, and hitching my gun forward, I scanned the hillside for sign of the car.

It proved to be an old Model T Ford and two men were in it. One, a man of about 50, was dressed shabbily, while the younger man was more neatly attired. We spoke for about 15 minutes and found that the more elderly of the two was the caretaker of the abandoned mines and he asked my business…”

To read more of Herb’s account and to see his photos of Ludwig, Nevada, click the image below:



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