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From the OCT/NOV Zephyr: “Oh, for an Insuperable Moab…” by Jim Stiles

An Excerpt:

“Welcome to Moab, Utah, the “Mountain Bike Capital of the World. Adventure Vortex of the Universe! The Adrenalin Junkie’s Dream Destination! Wanna a take a ride? We’re spending millions to make your biking experience more pleasurable.

Check out our new “Elevated Colorado River Bikeway.” Our cantilevered concrete and steel bike bridge parallels the river for miles. “It’s a new way to experience the river,” its promoters exclaim, as if the “old way” didn’t cut it any more. Need a break from the bike? We have zip lines and slack lines and you can harness up and rope swing through Corona Arch. “Adventure” activities are everywhere. Need to shop?. We’ve got T-shirts and refrigerator magnets to die for. Moab, Utah is booming. Is that a good thing? Do you like Disneyland?

To read more of Jim’s story, click  the image below:


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