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From the OCT/NOV Zephyr: Building Bridges: a History of crossing Courthouse Wash and the Colorado River… by Lloyd Pierson

An excerpt:

“Traveling through southeastern Utah has not always been easy. The canyons of the Colorado River and its tributaries pretty much dictated where the traveler should go. The crossing of the Colorado at Moab was a most important landmark and was the only “easy” crossing of the river north of the Mojave Indian villages (near present day Needles, California) until one reaches the Grand Junction, Colorado area. “Easy” is a gross overstatement really, for although it was easy to get to the crossing by trail, getting across was another matter. Many times during the summer flood period or after rain-induced flooding or during the spring breakup of the river ice, it was most difficult to get across the river and many men and animals have lost their lives in the attempt. The river is fast and treacherous and even today swimmers in the river occasionally drown…”

To read more of Lloyd’s story, click the image below:


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