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(From the Apr/May Zephyr) Take it or Leave it: THE ZEPHYR at 25, A SUMMARY…by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

“Trying to sum up the past 25 years, you’d think the logical opening here would be, ‘I don’t know where to begin.’ The truth is, once you wade through this issue, you might ask yourself, ‘Does he know how to stop?’

A few months ago, realizing that, against all odds, we were going to reach our 25th anniversary still standing, I played with the idea of writing a personal no-holds-barred, behind-the-scenes history, as I’ve seen it, of this publication’s past quarter century. The effort has probably been more for me than for you, a cathartic experience in many ways; I wanted to jot down my memories, review the old print Zephyrs, and, for better or worse,  reminisce a bit. It’s been so long ago since the first issue went to press, I needed to clear my own head and separate my perceptions, all these years later,  from the facts.”

To read more of Jim’s article, click the image below:



Take it or Leave it: THE ZEPHYR at 25, A SUMMARY…by Jim Stiles


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