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(From the Apr/May Zephyr) Sowing Clover: What You Don’t Know About ‘Mr. Zephyr’…by Tonya Stiles

An excerpt:

“It’s quite a coup, really, that I ended up Co-Publisher of a paper born in Moab, Utah and primarily concerned with the history and the environmentalist movement of the Desert Southwest. You, dear reader, could quite understandably believe that I have no right to have taken this role, running the paper alongside Jim, with so few relevant qualifications. I wouldn’t argue with you. So perhaps the only subject for me to speak on authoritatively, on this 25th anniversary, is the subject I know best—my husband, Jim, and the reasons why I jumped ship on my old life in order to join with him and his paper.”

To read more of Tonya’s article, click the image below:


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